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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. G

    oxalic Acid for Instantvap

    Hi all, looking for oxalic acid to use with my instantvap, would this be suitable? Graeme
  2. G

    Oxalic acid from APC

    Hi all, just tried to order some oxalic acid from APC and received the following email. Hi Graeme, Thank you for your recent enquiry. Please note the legislation that came into effect under new rules issued by the UK Government on 1st October 2023. We can now only supply to: Limited companies...
  3. G

    Over winter hive set up

    Hi all, after some advice about how to set up my hives for over wintering. At the moment I have all my hive condensed down to one brood box whilst treating with apivar strips. I have kept back one full super from each hive with a view to putting it back for the bees to use the stores over the...
  4. G

    Spinning honey frames

    Hi all, spun some honey frames 2 weeks ago no problem, took another super off for spinning this week and the honey refuses to come out. The first batch had a water ontent of 17% and the new batch 16%. Both batches are a pale golden colour and look very similar. Was wondering if anyone had...
  5. G

    Affordable bee suit

    Hi all, looking for an decent, affordable bee suit for my wife. I have recently got into beekeeping and even though my wife has no interest at the moment, I would like to have a suit available and ready just in case curiosity get the better of her and she decides to accompany me to inspect the...
  6. G

    First Hives

    New to bee keeping and ready to purchase my first hives. I am considering buying flat pack ceadar hives to start out with. Is this a good idea or should I opt for ready assembled hives. trying to keeps initial costs down but want to get the best equipment I can. Can anyone reccommend a good...
  7. G

    Almost ready to start my bee keeping experience

    Hi all, brand new to bee keeping. Have been thinking of keeping bees for several years but have not really had anywhere to keep them. I have eventually managed to get myself an allotment, all be it in a right state of repair. However after several months of hard work and countless hours I now...