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  1. L

    Help in identifying an author.

    Indeed - which is why I was rather hoping that someone might have a copy - to clarify which of the authors had written the Long Hive Nuc-Raising article. However, the last 24 hrs have been VERY illuminating indeed ... My first step at 'sleuthing' was to read a preview of the book at...
  2. L

    Help in identifying an author.

    Thanks - but it was just the name of the author I was after, not the book itself. LJ
  3. L

    Plywood nucs

    As mating-nucs and summer boxes, yes - can't disagree with that ... Last year somebody sent me a link to a video of a Dutch or Scandinavian guy who successfully uses corrugated milk cartons as mating nucs - he swears by 'em. Not my choice, but there you go ... :) LJ
  4. L

    Help in identifying an author.

    By any chance does anyone have a copy of the book "Beekeeper's Guide to Rearing Queen Bees" (a compilation of various articles by numerous authors) ? I'm trying to identify who wrote the article relating to the use of a Long Hive to raise queen cells in a queenright colony by progressively...
  5. L

    Plywood nucs

    And it's not just the thickness. Plywood is made using high levels of compression, which results in a very dense material. Again, which results in poor insulation - which is important with such small colonies, less so with larger ones. And yet, people will insist on using plywood to make Nuc...
  6. L


    And there lies a misunderstanding. A dictionary definition doesn't 'define' in the Absolute sense being used here. It is a section of the dictionary page which sets out to describe the various meanings to which a word has been assigned. Note the last few words: a word being assigned to one or...
  7. L

    Plywood nucs

    Or 'D4' ex. Toolstation, £6 a litre. 100% waterproof - I use it for just about everything, especially for coating exposed end grain prior to painting. Only has a six-month shelf-life, but which can be extended by decanting the glue into smaller containers - those not being used kept full, to...
  8. L

    Mains to 12v conversion for a Varrox

    Hi Nick - that's a pity, 'cause it's easy enough to re-wind a microwave oven's transformer secondary to give 12V @ 300-500VA (21-35A - depending on transformer size). And the Varrox won't care that it's AC ... LJ
  9. L

    Top entrance swarm control...

    Assuming of course that your now 'inverted floor' presents a suitable beespace clearance between the inverted floor surface and the frame top-bars immediately below it ... LJ
  10. L

    Good news -- anybody?

    Ok - so you want an example of Good News ... ? We've had a couple of glorious days during this last week which has enabled me to do the first full inspection of the year, and I was even able to perform an overdue box change (from a Divided Long Hive into a Divided National Brood Box with a pair...
  11. L

    Which Queen Type Best for Beginner?

    Yes, he does (one of my favourite speakers on bee issues) - but there is a bias there, nevertheless - for the concept of THE Local Bees, as if they are some kind of pre-determined entity (which many here appear to believe) - is one of the biggest myths in beekeeping. Local bees are...
  12. L

    Which Queen Type Best for Beginner?

    I hadn't noticed any deviation at all from the OP's request - except for one correction I've just made. I would hope that such a minor event doesn't warrant being flagged up as substantial thread drift. LJ
  13. L

    Which Queen Type Best for Beginner?

    Hoffman is a method of self-spacing frames, NOT a box size. This is the beginners forum. LJ
  14. L

    Which Queen Type Best for Beginner?

    I agree wholeheartedly with the above philosophy. In practice however, you may discover that there is something of a problem in establishing exactly who is a good bee breeder, as self-praise can never be a good recommendation. Likewise, the recommendations of a few highly zealous and...
  15. L

    Queenless hive for months

    FWIW - I've got two 5-frame nucs on 14x12 doing (or NOT doing) exactly the same - bringing in shed loads of pollen like it's on special offer - so you're not alone on this one. Maybe it's the result of a weird winter/spring ? I've decided to ignore them for now, on the basis that they either...
  16. L

    Floor depth...

    Something I haven't given much thought to in the past - an inch, an inch-and-a-quarter - something like that. Certainly more than a couple of bee-spaces. Never had a problem in that area. Never seen them draw comb downwards from the lower bottom bar unless there's a good three or four inches...
  17. L

    Bait hive - anyone found anything we can re purpose?

    Take the 40L stuff with a pinch of salt - I keep trying to tell people that this is a flawed finding, but 'the true believers' don't want to hear this. Consider: the size of a swarm influences the size of the box it is attracted to, and ultimately chooses - most people (even Finman) recognise...
  18. L

    A lot of you will enjoy this Michael Palmer video

    Thanks for that link. MP does make some very good videos, and talks a lot of sense in them. LJ
  19. L

    Colander Hive - preview.

    I'm well-pleased that others are interested in this ... No supers for now, as I reckon ten 14x12" frames will provide them with more than enough comb to live on for the first year. Depending on what happens (I also suspect they'll use all the holes, at least initially) I may or may not add...
  20. L

    Colander Hive - preview.

    So, for anyone who might still be interested in this experiment, or simply amused by it - here's an update ... Here's one of the boxes, showing the 14x12 foundationless frames made for this purpose, with top bars suitably marked to show their position, as I'm mainly interested in what the girls...