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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. robinharman

    What colour is your bee suit?

    I have hives on a couple of industrial sites where high vis is a requirement. Therefore my bright orange Sherriff suits are prefect.
  2. robinharman


    Marking pen on roof.
  3. robinharman

    Top Dollar

    And the time. I send an item for repair (under a paid for postage warranty) via UPS three weeks ago. It is tracked and has not arrived yet. UPS blame Brexit and border controls.
  4. robinharman

    Top Dollar

    I think it has been mentioned before - a great idea not disimilar to the British tractor for meat etc. No need for the BBKA to do. Just someone to order the labels and flog on The BFA have tamper seals.
  5. robinharman

    Top Dollar

    Simply pushing the local aspect is enough IMHO. I tell my customers, and vendors (given a display notice) where, within reason, the apiaries that supply their honey are. My son is an SEO expert and 'local honey' is one of the most relevant search terms for us on Google. Raw is there on the...
  6. robinharman

    Importation of bees

    But are happy to take adverts from companies selling imported queens and packages
  7. robinharman

    Queens named

    Call them anything you like other than 'Her Majesty'.
  8. robinharman

    Small-scale and large-scale beekeeping - what's the difference?

    The right number of hives in the right place - 20 in a row. Ease of access - must be able to drive up to the colonies with paraphanalia. Right kit in the right place at the right time - enough of everything which is ready to go having been built up in March/April visits. Have a ready made plan...
  9. robinharman

    Foundation supplier

    I asked STB last year this question; Where do you source you wax? And the answer was... Hi Our frames and foundation are sourced from a reliable international supplier who we have used for many years now. Many Thanks Hanna The Team at Simon the Beekeeper-
  10. robinharman

    Sublimox, inverter and battery.

    I use a small generator with my Sublimox. Do about 150 colonies in about 8 apiaries. Does the job perfectly. I have an old golf trolley to wheel along the row of hives. This is the one I have Clarke G720 2 Stroke Petrol Generator - Machine Mart - Machine Mart
  11. robinharman

    I'm taking my first bbka module exam.

    Jura is my favourite after a distant Scots relative brought a bottle to my grandmother’s funeral twenty five years ago. We had the lot and I rarely don’t have a bottle around. Either that or Talisker.
  12. robinharman

    Swarm Management

    Take away one of the three elements and the job is done.
  13. robinharman

    Swarm Management

    Triangle of Evil.
  14. robinharman

    Card readers

    Izettle is great. Lost count of the number of customers who have very little cash and when they realise they can pay by card buy a few more jars. Many have gone away with ten (as I do a deal of ten 227g for £50 saving £10) instead of one.
  15. robinharman

    Honey from South East - London, North of London, Essex, Anglia

    Have a look at my site we have plenty of honey from the London Essex border Robin
  16. robinharman

    Buoyant roadside honey sales since lockdown

    Prosecution have to prove the case
  17. robinharman

    EHO inspection!

    If you are a residential address the EHO has to give you 24 hours notice of a visit. If commercial premises then it can be unannounced.
  18. robinharman

    Good trolley

    Carp barrow is perfect. One wheel. Loads of space and dismantles. Picked one up for £10 at a bootsale and is left permanently at one site where I can't drive up to the hives.
  19. robinharman

    cleaning queen excluders

    I just use a kettle of boiling water outside. Seems to do the job