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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. robinharman

    Corfu bees

    I also met Vasilikis about five years ago when visiting NE Corfu - near a village called Arillas where we stayed twice a year until Covid. A lovely chap who insisted I put on a veil and went into a hive with shorts and t shirt. To keep hornets away from the hives he had tables with fish on...
  2. robinharman

    The truth behind fondants
  3. robinharman

    Is it time to put the brakes on the boom in beekeeping?

    I was asked to put bees into the Olympic Village, Stratford, E20 by the community management team last year. 100m from the River Lea. I was concerned there would be little forage but was being paid so agreed. Currently have nine supers sitting almost full spread across two hives, and very nice...
  4. robinharman

    Importing direct from Konigin

    And when it goes wrong, or there is a problem......
  5. robinharman

    Bee keepers footwear

    Have used shorty Dunlop wellies for a few years - about £12 from EBay. Have recently been treated by HMRC to a pair of Hunters with zips down the sides. So comfortable and keeps the bees out over a full suit.
  6. robinharman

    Running out of equipment as bees are not capping supers

    That’s right ~ nectar foragers hand over the nectar whereas pollen foragers have pack it in the cells themselves
  7. robinharman

    Mini Blow Torch

    Jet lighters from eBay. £3ish perfect job. As for a cork for the smoker I find that Talisker ones fit perfectly, currently £25 on offer with Tesco Club card
  8. robinharman


    They have a relatively short shelf life and are expensive so doctors are not keen to prescribe them to people who have no evidence of a reaction. And there was a general shortage last year
  9. robinharman

    Weird swarming or queen mating?

    When you did the split did you see the queen? Could they already have swarmed? If so you could have had a virgin(s) in the split and they were on mating flights. What has happened to the two cells you left? Standard opened or ripped down?
  10. robinharman

    Your glove of choice!

    Aldo or Lidl's version of Marigolds. Just a little thinner and perfect for the job.
  11. robinharman

    BS Honey

    Excellent communication around a large delivery of nuc boxes a few weeks ago.
  12. robinharman

    Lidl ...Honey warmer / wax melter thingy

    Could be refurbished returns - I have had to take two back over the last six months after they packed up. Still great pieces of kit.
  13. robinharman

    Squashed a queen

    Yep, had it a good few times. Always worrying, especially at this time of year.
  14. robinharman

    Forage Range

    I moved a load of hives 1 mile about three weeks ago when then were flying only on warm afternoons. No returners found. Probably doesn’t help much
  15. robinharman

    Viable excuses to your better half for buying more kit ?

    The tax man is paying for it...
  16. robinharman

    Left hand/Right hand

    Very simple answer. Advertising revenue.
  17. robinharman

    Beeks not in Associations

    Yes, do away with Road Tax and add it onto fuel prices, though those in the sticks would moan. Would have to raise £6.5 billion (2019-20 figures) that is currently raised via VED.
  18. robinharman

    Beeks not in Associations

    Licensing would never work. Many would decline to register. Impossible to police or enforce. That's before you think about the costs of running a scheme that would never be self financing. Dog licensing was abolished in 1988 at which time only approximately half of dog owners had a licence.
  19. robinharman

    What colour is your bee suit?

    No, but that one is still around if you want you borrow it.