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  1. W

    porter escapes

    I put a rhombus clearing board and a clearing board with two porter bee esacapes on last night around 6pm on two hives and both hives were nearly cleared by lunch time today. The rhombus hive had half a dozen bees in the two supers and the porter bee esacape hives had around a dozen in the two...
  2. W

    Where to buy cedar?

    I've had the same problem trying to find somewhere selling decent size pieces of cedar, it sometimes works out cheaper to buy the hive in kit form than trying to buy cedar wood and cutting it to size. I have been able to get some off cuts of cedar cladding from my brother who works in the...
  3. W

    When in august to start autumn apiguard?

    I'm taking the remaining honey off this weekend and starting treatment, especially as I'm away for 10 days in the middle of September and one my hive could do with treating sooner rather that later as I saw a number of bees with deformed wings when I checked yesterday.
  4. W

    best place to get honey jars

    Wynne Jones, friendly and nice to do business with. I always collect my order in person when I'm passing that way on business.
  5. W

    queenless for 3 weeks leave or buy new queen

    I would leave them alone, I split my colony into 3 earlier this year and it took 6 weeks before I saw any evidence of the queen on both the new hives.
  6. W

    Queen Excluder Orientation?

    I always run my with the wires in line with the frames as this seemed the natural way. I used WBC hive and I would have to double check but I don't think it would fit if I turned it 90 degrees as one side there would be a gap and the side next to it would have a gap for the queen to pass through!
  7. W

    People wanting free honey

    I gave a lot away free to family and friends last year as it was my first crop but this year it's been pay up or you don't get any honey. The only exceptions are people who help me like my brother who works in the building trade and can get me bits for projects on the house, also he's getting me...
  8. W

    Feeding New Hive

    After I split my hive, the hive with the original queen went through 7 pints of syrup in a day and the nuc took just over two days to consume the same amount.
  9. W

    honey money

    £5 for a 12oz jar and the 16lb I took off the hive at the beginning of May sold out with in the month.
  10. W

    Porter bee escapes - cover or not?

    I put a quarry tile over the hole in my bee hives and the bees glue up any gaps, so they obviously don't need any vents.
  11. W

    Reusing food jars?

    I reused jars for family and friends that I give away honey to, but check that there isn't a lingering smell from whatever was in the jar before, i.e. vinegar, cooking sauces, etc. For honey I intend to sell I get new jars, one of my customers has started returning the jars which I intend to...
  12. W

    Looks like i upset them!

    I did an AS at the beginning of May on my hive splitting it into three and both the new queens have taken 6 weeks until they started laying, so it's worth being patient.
  13. W

    Useless Guard Bees

    I found a couple of bumble bees in the bottom of my hive last year when I was cleaning the floor and generally replaceing parts. The bumble bee was very black and burnt looking as if it had been in an oven, so I assume my bees had covered it and 'heated it to death'.
  14. W

    grumpy bees

    One of my hives are a bit more aggressive recently, I put it down to the two supers full of honey that they are guarding.
  15. W

    Queen mating flights

    Was wondering how long it takes myself. I have two hives that the queen emerged from three weeks ago, when I checked last week no sign of eggs or the queen. I know the weather has been bad for the first two weeks of her life, but now thinking has she bugger off!! As I check one of the hives...
  16. W

    WBC Hive Details

    Forgot to add I agree with going to a brood and a half, a standard WBC brood box is too small.
  17. W

    WBC Hive Details

    I have 11 frames in my WBC hives, I don't bother with a dummy board. I just take out the frame at the edge when inspecting which very rarely gets drawn. I never leave the board in on the open mesh floor, I usually put it in for a few day when I want to monitor the mite count(drop) and then...
  18. W

    Is the Honey OK

    I would of left the bees with the brood and a half and added a new super above the queen excluder. I have brood and a half on my hives and add new supers for honey and them taken them off before treating in the autumn, that way the honey supers never come into contact with any treatment I'm...
  19. W

    Starving in Late May

    I had to feed two of my hives yesterday as they were both out of stores, the third was OK as that kept the supers from when I spilt them at the beginning of the month but the amount of honey in the supers was getting less. However they are all out busy flying in the sun today :)
  20. W

    Home honey better than commercial

    I've had a couple of people tell me my honey tastes far better than anything bought from the shops, one of them didn't normally like honey. On the subject of granulation I called in at my dad's this morning and he still has half a jar of the honey I extracted in May last year and it's still...