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  1. W

    Current honey price

    Too cheap in my opinion, I sell my half pound jars for £4 and 3/4 pound jars for £6. I find 1lb jars of honey don't sell well because of the price but the 3/4 pound one fly off the shelf (so to speak). If your at a country show then you can sometimes get a bit more as it's sometimes an impulse...
  2. W


    I sell 12oz jars for £6 and 8oz for £4. Sold most of my harvest last year (just over 100lbs) with out problem. Harvested 35lbs so far this year and most of that has been sold. Local market stall sells another bee keepers honey at £7 for the 12oz jars.
  3. W

    Honey jars?

    C Wynne Jones again for me, excellent service. I sell honey in the 8 and 12oz Hex jars. Depends on the time of the year as to which sells best, regular customers or the ones who are educated (know about honey and bees) tend to buy the 12oz new customer or people buying as presents tend to buy...
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    Honey from different colonies question

    I would put all the honey in together unless they have come from different site. Mine always get mixed together when extracting but up to now all the hives have been in the same location, but may have a hive on the Moors later this year so if they produced any honey would possibly keep that...
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    New bee in cheshire

    That's interesting to know as I'm in the Macclesfield area but never had any interest in joining the Cheshire bka. Never knew north staffs met just down the road.
  6. W

    8oz hexag jar prices?

    C Wynne Jones, excellent service and never had a broken jar but I do collect them myself when in the area.
  7. W

    Lids for honey jars

    C Wynne Jones for me as well, I usually collect my order when in the area and get more lids than jars as I reuse the jars but not the lids. Jars and lids go in the dishwasher before jarring up the honey without any problems, I re use jar but not the lids as the rubber seal can sometime get...
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    National Bee Supplies

    As they say bees don't read the same books as us so we never know what they are going to do.:rules:
  9. W

    National Bee Supplies

    I've always found anything ordered in the summer can take at least three to four weeks to arrive, assuming they have the stuff in stock, had problems trying to find somebody selling foundation for honey supers a few years ago. I now work out what I think I'll need for the following year then add...
  10. W

    Two questions!!

    I've taken 38lbs off two hives at the end of May and left a few uncapped frames in each hive to get them through June especially as this is the first bit of decent weather I've had since the honey was taken off. Brood area has plenty of stores but they don't seem to have touched the honey supers...
  11. W

    Honeybeehive website

    Do you know how well it performs in search engine requests? I have a website for my wifes business with 1&1 they charge 1 or 2 quid a month to register the domain name but have just upgraded the website hosting to £6 a month but the package is very good and allow you to have multiple pages and...
  12. W

    Honeybeehive website

    I sell a bit through work as I'm a service engineer so travel to different office and the wife works at the local hospital so a bit gets sold through there, but I usually only have about 30lbs to sell except last year had 110lbs. I split the hive last year and did another split a week ago as...
  13. W

    Honeybeehive website

    I have had a listing on the honeybeehive website to sell some of my honey for a few years, but haven't had any enquires for a while now and I tried to access the website over the weekend and it doesn't seem to exists anymore. Anybody know what has happened to it? I only thought about it over...
  14. W

    My son wood working exam

    Well done to them, I remember my own O level woodwork exam, I spent ages making hidden dovetail joints to get them just right. Then in the exam I had to make a draw with dovetail joints, the practice must of paid off as I passed. But only 4 people in the school took the exam. A dying art as they...
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    Simon the beekeeper testimony

    I've purchased a few items from him over the winter, excellent service every time.
  16. W

    points of the compass

    Have my two hives pointing south east, bees are early to rise in the morning sun. A lot more productive than when the hives faced north east.
  17. W

    Queen bee / nuc wanted

    I'm hoping it's a very early swarm and there is a new queen somewhere in the haive that hasn't started laying yet. I haven't had chnace to check on them again due to work commitments and the weather and not going to have chance to check again for a few days. I don't have a second hive to get...
  18. W

    Queen bee / nuc wanted

    Does anybody have any queens for sale in the Cheshire / south Manchester area. Or possibly a nuc as I've check my hive today and the queen has vanished, no eggs and very little brood so I think she has been gone a while. The queen was spotted last month when I inspected the hive and was building...
  19. W

    How Much is Your Honey?

    I sell 8oz hex jar £3.50 12oz hex jar £5 and I've already sold over 20lbs worth and just extracted what looks like another 30lbs this afternoon. If it's too expensive it won't sell so you can reduce your price, but if it sells out too quickly then it's too cheap. It's just a matter of...