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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Bcrazy

    Global Warming?

    So endeth the debate! Mo
  2. Bcrazy

    Staining of pollen grains

    To finalize this thread i have now taken more shots of the stained pollen grains to see if there was any significant difference. Cant upload my final photos so ill close this thread its going nowhere anyway. Mo
  3. Bcrazy

    Staining of pollen grains

    I have become bored at looking at pollen grains that had been stined red so i wanted something different. Mo Not sure where to post this as it is not a common occurance to study pollen grains.
  4. Bcrazy

    Staining of pollen grains

  5. Bcrazy

    Global Warming?

    Science News Blog Cite Save Email Print Share Cooling the Warming Debate: Major New Analysis Confirms That Global Warming Is Real ScienceDaily (Oct. 21, 2011) — Global warming is real, according to a major study released Oct. 20. Despite issues raised by climate change skeptics, the...
  6. Bcrazy

    Is possible to be cruel to Honey Bees

    Re posts above. What the bloody hell has this got to do with beekeeping? Mo
  7. Bcrazy

    Is possible to be cruel to Honey Bees

    I have not read the whole of this debate but may i remind members that the bee has a nervous system through its body so can a bee detect pain as a way of cruelty? The ganglia of the nervous system all reports back to the brain of the bee. So in my opinion the bee will detect some form of...
  8. Bcrazy

    BBC response to 'eastenders' bee sting storyline

    Beekeeping members beekeeping please. Mo
  9. Bcrazy

    if bees had of never been treated for varroa would they have overcome it?

    Hi jake the dog, you asked me why i treat my Nuc's and not my main colonies. The Nuc's are mainly from swarms therefore i treat before the queen resumes laying with Apiguard One sachet . I will later exchange one of my queens into the treated Nuc . I raise my own queens from colonies that have...
  10. Bcrazy

    if bees had of never been treated for varroa would they have overcome it?

    I do not treat my main hives but treat my NUc's. I say bring in the Pseudoscorpions Yeh Yeh. Mo
  11. Bcrazy

    13 degress C and still flying

    I have misspelt degress it should read degrees. Sorry bout that. I thought i saw some movement from the apiary this morning and yep the girls were out on cleansing flights and exercising also found a couple of dead bees so i thought they would make a nice photo. Enjoy Mo
  12. Bcrazy

    Modern Beekeeping Langstroth - Top or Bottom

    Sorry swarm you have lost me. Mo
  13. Bcrazy

    Name the insect please

    Hi Rooftops It had 2 wings . I have taken some shots of its legs which shows it coulb be a bee of some description and not a fly. I think i have found it its a bee-fly Bombylius major as it was flying low to the ground for a while.ON its rear legs it has no pollen basket but has a couple of...
  14. Bcrazy

    Modern Beekeeping Langstroth - Top or Bottom

    IMHO Langstroth hives are the perfect hive for the high yield queen bees of nowadays, you'll find bee space is sufficent once the full compliment of bees are using it. Just my opinion. Mo
  15. Bcrazy

    Name the insect please

    Out with the dogs this morning and one of them went chasing something all round the field and eventually brought me a Bee or beefly back to me. Can anyone put a common name for the fly please? No its no Bert or Richard or any other names. I have taken shots of its head and its abdomen where...
  16. Bcrazy

    Lactic Acid Bacteria?

    Cazza After a while you will know that what i put down on paper on this forum is from reliable source's and you can believe what i write. The reading you may be interested in is an article from BeeCraft mag, I think it was 2009 or 2010 which explains it all. Polyanwood unfortunately there is...
  17. Bcrazy

    Lactic Acid Bacteria?

    I see from the mass of responses that all you beekeepers are fully aware of what the Bacteria does. I thought some bright spark might have put it sticks the pollen grains together or such like. I'll tell you the answer, The bacteria stops the germination of the pollen grain , in other words it...
  18. Bcrazy

    Global Warming?

    YES Mo
  19. Bcrazy

    Global Warming?

    Global Warming is real. Science News Blog Cite Save Email Print Share Cooling the Warming Debate: Major New Analysis Confirms That Global Warming Is Real Mo
  20. Bcrazy

    Lactic Acid Bacteria?

    This is a learning resource thread . A question for you keen beekeepers and our Continental Cousins. When the Honey bee is out foraging for pollen she secrets a secretion named Lactic Acid Bacteria from her honey sac or honey crop which adheres to the pollen grains and then is placed on the...