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  1. Bcrazy

    when is it time for first inspection

    Thanks for the advice , What a brilliant way to see if your bees will allow an inspection.
  2. Bcrazy

    when is it time for first inspection

    One problem here and that is I am deaf so how would they respond , do you think they know I'm deaf?. I suppose a sting would indicate that they were not up for it. I really am deaf. Mo.
  3. Bcrazy

    when is it time for first inspection

    My bees are flying well out of their hives should I open them for an inspection?
  4. Bcrazy

    Mouldy pollen

    Please remember to ventilate the hive well and get rid of any mold that might have built up as, it could trigger Chalkbrood. Chalk Brood is caused by the fungus Ascophaera apis, widespread and found in seemingly unaffected colonies – often appears in the Spring in expanding colonies. The...
  5. Bcrazy

    Mouldy pollen

    Oh Finman, I never said mould was a disease did I ? What I would do if it were mine is discard the wax foundation and replace it with new as the bees will normally leave it well alone. What has caused mould in the first place? Dampness condensation, think about the flow of air through the hive...
  6. Bcrazy

    Mouldy pollen

    Hi Hombre I am sorry mate but I have to dissagree with you on this point as mouldy pollen will in time begin to smell and the bees will not remove it as the pollen grains beneath the mould will be of no use to them what so ever, well past its sell by date. No the bees will not remove it they...
  7. Bcrazy

    Bees bringing pollen today ,photo for Kazmcc

    Great pictures members, now were really begining to see the Spring is near. What a lucky shot of the bee emerging from the crocus. Great. Mo
  8. Bcrazy

    Name of flower please

    Hi Skyhook You have one up on me here my friend as I don't have a clue what your on about. Please explain in simple language as I am prone to being as thick as two short railway sleepers. Best wishes Mo
  9. Bcrazy

    Phase contrast in action.

    Hi luckyclover, I have made the phase contrast microscope from bits and peices I have brought whilst at microscopy fares, its a lot cheaper than buting a set up phase contrast microscope. The slight uneven that is there is due to the bulb not being central to the condenser as I changed the bulb...
  10. Bcrazy

    Phase contrast in action.

    Hi luckyclover, I have made the phase contrast microscope from bits and peices I have brought whilst at microscopy fares, its a lot cheaper than buting a set up phase contrast microscope. The slight uneven that is there is due to the bulb not being central to the condenser as I changed the bulb...
  11. Bcrazy

    Phase contrast in action.

    Hi kazmcc I honestly think that for me to try and tell you about Phase contrast in microdscopy would take forever and I would probably get a few things wrong. So my I suggest you look it up on Wikipedia that gives a full description. Hope that...
  12. Bcrazy

    Phase contrast in action.

    Hi Betterbee, I think you might be getting a bit mixed up here mate. When carrying out internal inspections of bees internal organs it will not give any indication of the race of bee, not to my knowledge any way. Are you confusing it with morphometry? I don't think anyone would willing ly set up...
  13. Bcrazy

    Buzz your report re Nosema.

    Hi Buzz, My sincerest apologies in not taking into consideration that you as the owner of these bees would like the information first hand. That is a lesson lern't by me now. It was just normal proceedure to print to the forum. I can say that I expect that a large majority of beekeepers don't...
  14. Bcrazy

    Phase contrast in action.

    Thank you for your honest replies, all points noted and taken on board. Thanks all. Mo
  15. Bcrazy

    Phase contrast in action.

    Not one reply what's wrong??? I wonder why no one has bothered to reply? Is it because there are very few who know what Phase Contrast is? Is it because the members are not sure of the scientific names given? Is it because I have posted too many photos without giving a clear description of what...
  16. Bcrazy

    Buzz your report re Nosema.

    Gentlemen, I do applude your thoughts about trying to save the bess but in all honesty the infection is well past treatment ,in my humble opinion. If these were mine the whole colony would have been delt with using Ethyl Acetate or Chloroform anf the hive fired out. But each to there own. Mo
  17. Bcrazy

    Buzz your report re Nosema.

    I did not count the number of bees as I recieved the small box of then and just took out a small pile and added some water. I test to see if there is or is not Nosema present and if there is then I would reccomend treatment but with an ifection like this there is only one treatment. Sorry about...
  18. Bcrazy

    Buzz your report re Nosema.

    Hi Buzz Really bad news my friend those bees you sent me were full of Nosema spores in my opinion it is a really heavy infestation, and because of the sensitive nature of this I am not going to reccommend what your follow up action should be. Sorry mate. I made up three slides to show...
  19. Bcrazy

    The Forum.

    Monsieur A I do take your point about being surrounded by water and being an island. But however we may try to stop the unwanted pests SHB & Troilaelaps coming into this country it will find a way either by a n unscrupulous beekeeper or by flora imports. Its just a matter of time in my opinion...
  20. Bcrazy

    The Forum.

    Hi Monsieur, Its all very well putting down on paper what sounds very knowledgeable but I do not see how stopping the imports of queens is going to control disease. Please explain your thoughts Monsieur. Thank you. Mo