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  1. merylvingien

    First artificial swarm for me!

    I saw 5 cells none of which were capped. But i was thinking of going back in a couple of days and pick the best couple of cells and destroy the rest. Didnt shake the bees out of the supers so there is plenty of cheap labour on offer.
  2. merylvingien

    First artificial swarm for me!

    Popped the lid on one mine today, last inspection was last saturday. 3 frames in saw a queen cell with larvea in, thought oh **** lol Next frame had a couple more with larvae too, thought oh **** ****! So i have gone through the proceedure and hope i have got it right. New stand 4-5 foot...
  3. merylvingien

    Sweetness and light

    You obviously dont go on many other forums, cause this one is fairly laid back and calm pretty much most of the time lol
  4. merylvingien

    problem with masonry/honey bees

    There are various types of mason bee, and they are furry, like bumbles or mining bees. I always tell customers that they dont have sting, which is a small white lie, but puts their mind at rest becuase usually they are panicking. The solitary bees like mason bees and mining bees do actually...
  5. merylvingien

    Colony extraction

    Yes, here is the mini vac, works very well.
  6. merylvingien

    Colony extraction

    Yesterday i had a extraction to do on a colony that needed to be gone. It was at a boarding kennels and for obvious reasons they couldnt be left where they were without posing a risk. Earlier on this spring i decided to revamp the bee vac and make a new one but smaller than last years...
  7. merylvingien

    Pompous men in beekeeping

    Dont talk such bloody rubbish, you havent a clue what your on about. Now LISTEN TO ME, beekeeping is full of nice people.... mostly :D
  8. merylvingien

    Is there anything I can do to help them...

    Just part of the norm for me :D Sam, you havent seen an aggressive colony yet, the ones you encountered today were just playing. As Mike says, you need to get a frame of eggs from some nice calm bees and let them sort things out. It will all work out in the end, and you have learnt a important...
  9. merylvingien

    How big a hole do I need to bury my head???:(

    If it doesnt suit you, then dont collect simples. Was that on the wasp control swarm collectors list? Thats my site by the way! If the swarm is in a ridiculous location as they often are, its a case of either living with them, or getting a pest controller to destroy them. If the latter, any...
  10. merylvingien

    Venom in the Eye

    Ive had something sprayed onto my glove when treating a german wasp nest, the guard wasp came straight down the pole as they do, arse first and got the stinger stuck into the leather glove (i dont wear rubber gloves for those) Anyway, i saw it spray a patch of something onto the glove and the...
  11. merylvingien

    Poly warning.

    Whatever the situtation, there is no point getting het up on a forum. Personaly i think poly hive has inputted more valuable info (especially for newcomers like myself) into the forum than most. And it makes sense. So whatever his views on a certain polystyrene hive, i for one will pay...
  12. merylvingien

    swarming distances

    What about wild colonies?
  13. merylvingien

    swarming distances

    I dont rekon they go too far. Of the swarms ive caught in the past, most are pretty close to existing hives. Most no more than 5 - 8 hundred yards away.
  14. merylvingien

    How do you handle a Q?

    This might upset some LOL but the other day when mike and sam came over, i wanted to mark the vicous queen that i have in one of my colonies, so i can find her easily in a couple of weeks time when its time requeen. So with that in mind i am not too worried about damaging her. I have seen some...
  15. merylvingien

    Tool Sharpening

    I would like to see you do my thicknesser blades at a foot long and 4 of them AND get them perfectly straight and razor sharp. Granted a chisel is easy to do on a flat wetstone but thicknesser blades have to be perfect or your wood will be all shapes or if not sharp enough they simply wont cut.
  16. merylvingien

    Tool Sharpening

    I often wondered the same thing about planer blades, i have thickness planer machine and the blades become dull quick if your pushing a lot a material through them. Anway i saw a sharpening system on offer and invesitagted and to be honest once mastered its superb. My planer blades and chisels...
  17. merylvingien

    Protecting my back

    I cant for the life of me see why pirates would be good for your back, unless you guys know something i dont LOL Aye matees :D
  18. merylvingien

    Is there anything I can do to help them...

    Just need to wait and see what the story is now then Sam. The bees were nice today eh? Thats becuase they are no longer minions of that demon thing that we painted! We would have been better off painting her with war paint. I am convinced she is Lucifer in a bee body.
  19. merylvingien

    Second super time

    Two of mine had the first super on a week ago monday i think. Anyway, this monday both were fully drawn and filled, and just starting to be capped, so second supers have gone on both. The ****** lot have only started drawing the middle frames of the first super which was put on at the same time...
  20. merylvingien


    You guys get so het up over poxy wasps LOL Lets have some perspective on the matter! Wasp in spring, early summer will not be a problem for bees as they are too busy catching insect food to feed thier young, which in turn produce a sugary liquid which they feed back to the adults. The problems...