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  1. merylvingien

    welcome and Goodluck to the lady in tho rnes today

    Ive told loads of people about this forum, but cause i am basicly a git, i doubt any of them have even looked :D
  2. merylvingien

    CO-OP Free seeds

    Just wait till the junk mail from coop starts to arrive through your door, might not think it was such a clever idea then LOL Glad i got a wood burner that needs lots of paper to light it up :D
  3. merylvingien

    CO-OP Free seeds

    I got my FIVE packs of FREE seeds today too :D
  4. merylvingien

    Boomarang swarm

    Hi Sam, if i had the gear i would probably do something with them, but i am at full capacity at the moment. I am evening knocking plywood brood boxes together believe it or not. I will consider my options in the morning. Dont really fancy killing them though. Mike, there is no oil seed rape in...
  5. merylvingien

    Boomarang swarm

    Some while ago some of you will recall Mike A and myself donated some brood frames and bees to Rosecottage. The bees from my lot were particularly nasty as Sam found out "head on" :D Whilst we were sorting the frames out, i caught the nasty old queen and we dabbed some war paint on her. Over...
  6. merylvingien

    Behaviour when introducing a new queen?

    What instructions? Mine came taped to a piece of blank cardboard...
  7. merylvingien

    is is worth the time/effort??

    I wouldnt touch dewalt, your just paying for a brand and no real quality anymore. For inbetween money you can buy a porter cable router which in my opinion are the best. The festeringtool one at 700 quid is a rip off of the porter cable and just has gimmicks to fool the "best" chasers.
  8. merylvingien

    Behaviour when introducing a new queen?

    Hmmm i believe i have a bad case of premature release. Time will tell i suppose, but it may be an expensive lesson learned. Thanks for the comments.
  9. merylvingien

    Behaviour when introducing a new queen?

    Thanks for the replies, i was more interested in what you would expect to actually see happening when you open the lid. No bees on the cage, a few, or lots of interest in the queen?
  10. merylvingien

    Behaviour when introducing a new queen?

    Hi guys n gals. I have recently introduced new queens to 4 of my colonies in hopes to reduce aggressive tendancies. What sort of behaviour would you expect to see on the queen cage before letting them out? On 3 that i have looked at today, there was lots of interest on and around the cages, but...
  11. merylvingien

    Back from the cut out

    Thats going to be the next incarnation of my mini vac. Removal "bee cartridges" LOL I like the smaller size vacs as they are far easier to get into lofts. But can be a problem when its time to empty them out.
  12. merylvingien

    vac is made and ready :)

    Cant remember if i posted pics of my vac before, but anyway, here they are. Works a treat. As for cutting a hole in the floor board, waste of time, you need to get at em on the comb. You will get a load of flyers, but if they come into the room you are working in, keep the windows shut...
  13. merylvingien

    How often do you look

    No worries, i was only teasing :D
  14. merylvingien

    The Test Frame.... some info

    Errr maybe you can decipher your own post then :D
  15. merylvingien

    The Test Frame.... some info

    I was under the new impression from last nights post, that if you pop a test frame into a queenless hive and they do not build queen cells, this means the hive is indeed queenless :D
  16. merylvingien

    Aggressive Bees?

    Aggressive can be any number of reactions depending on what you percieve as aggressive. Half of my colonies are highly aggressive at the moment, but not for longer if all goes well. They fly as soon as the lid comes off, pinging, following for 100 yards plus. Boiling up between the frames...
  17. merylvingien

    How often do you look

    I am so confused as to whats what now, i had to use google to check that what i am saying is right LOL
  18. merylvingien

    How often do you look

    Has PH been on the sauce or something, or is it just the time of the month? LOL
  19. merylvingien

    How often do you look

    Educate me please
  20. merylvingien

    How often do you look

    Am i missing something? If they are queenless, you put in a test frame with eggs, they will make queen cells, right? This didnt happen, so i assumed that there was a queen there that i had missed, as is the case, she was under the mesh floor hence no eggs on the frames. Maybe i have got this...