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  1. merylvingien

    Is there anything I can do to help them...

    Keep us posted Sam!
  2. merylvingien

    Is there anything I can do to help them...

    Hey Finman, Sam knows the score, the queen is finished but it is in his nature to try AND to learn by his own mistakes. You cant blame anyone for trying even if they know the chances of success are slim. 7 or 8 years ago i tried to set up my own business and for 3-4 years things were VERY...
  3. merylvingien

    onion sets gone wrong i think?

    HOW is that possible? Did you plant them too deep?
  4. merylvingien

    Is there anything I can do to help them...

    A plan is emerging just to prove to Rab that not all is lost (although i think secretly it is (did i just say that out loud?) ) I can donate a frame of eggs and brood bees etc from my commercial hives and Mike is going to donate something from from his nationals :D and we can mix and match. I...
  5. merylvingien

    Is there anything I can do to help them...

    Sam, i can give you a frame of brood, but when they hatch out, make sure you have a suit of armour handy :D
  6. merylvingien

    Is there anything I can do to help them...

    So am i lol As soon as i get a swarm i will be calling you.
  7. merylvingien

    Is there anything I can do to help them...

    They sound finished to me, finito, gone the way of the dodo! Even if she were to start laying, with that many bees to assist, it would take ages for them to get anywhere. Better off just finishing them off and free up your gear to start afresh imo
  8. merylvingien

    silly season is apon us

    Nothing here yet apart from mining bees, masonary bees, queen wasps aplenty and paniking people. I had a feeling that last weekend i would get a swarm call, but nout, nuffing. Dont forget to get yourself registered on the swarm collection list. Just google "bee swarm collectors uk"
  9. merylvingien

    Apis Horrilibus

    Ive just took the desicion to order a new queen to try and sort out the crap colony at the top of the garden, i think the queen is an old one and on her way out. They dont appear to be moving much at the moment. Probably why their temperment has changed. So anyway, her days are numbered.
  10. merylvingien

    Cast swarm

    I think i need to requeen mine, ALL of them :D
  11. merylvingien

    bee sting remedy from a beekeeper's best friend...

    Dunno what you mean!
  12. merylvingien

    bee sting remedy from a beekeeper's best friend...

    I would go with PH on this one, ive known too many bite n run germans in the past. I wouldnt trust them at all. Good old lurcher is what you want, they can even catch your supper for you :D
  13. merylvingien

    Mining bees, poor auld things

    I have just been doing some checking on google and came across this: As a pest controller I am thoroughly disgusted at the apparent lack of knowledge and then to top it all the instruction on how to kill these creatures that do no harm at...
  14. merylvingien

    Apis Horrilibus

    Pinging? Following? And you think thats bad? LOL After last years killer swarm from hell (i actually think they were the ones used in the film "The Swarm") :D i dont have any problem killing problem bees! They do the honey bee cause no good at all and are a liability. edit: backpack sprayer...
  15. merylvingien

    Does the noise of diggers and dumpers upset the bees?

    When i am in my woodworking shop, with planers and saws going, all of which i would imagine have different sound vibrations, the bees still come in on mass! Queen wasps too at the moment, so unless your strimming around the location of the hive, i think your safe. As with all things, they adapt...
  16. merylvingien

    adding a super

  17. merylvingien

    Queen gone advice needed

    He forgot he had it and is going to sell it to you? LOL
  18. merylvingien

    Big boxes = lots of bees

    Is it normal to have to put a super on a commercial for extra brood space?
  19. merylvingien

    Big boxes = lots of bees

    I dont post much about my bees so i thought i better say something for fear of being labeled a keyboard beekeeper LOL I am using all commercials, so pretty big boxes with big frames, everything is BIG :D However, two of mine are really going for it, i mean the other day due the rain i was a...
  20. merylvingien

    Queen Wasp.

    Vespadaloo LOL