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  1. BeeNice

    Where is the best place to locate hives on arable land?

    Be careful that you have enough forage in the surrounding area not just in the field at flowering time. Take a trip around and note that you have hedgerows or gardens close by. Good luck with your out apiary.
  2. BeeNice

    Ear to the hive again.

    Ooooooo missies... no one mentioned Docs and nurses. Do you loan out! ;)
  3. BeeNice

    Ear to the hive again.

    What's wrong with putting an ear to the side of the hive, cheaper! Still if someone gets ill, you can play with it. :) If you can't hear anything, give the hive a tap with you knuckle then you will hear a buzz. Have done this all winter and checked this morning, and this afternoon out collecting...
  4. BeeNice

    First true loss...Doh...

    I understand that it lose's strenght the longer you keep it, it dosn't cost that much to replace next year if you need it, and why take a chance for a £1 or 2.
  5. BeeNice

    First true loss...Doh...

    OA doesn't last, and it won't last til next year. Clean out the little pot and save that. It may come in handy in the future.
  6. BeeNice

    Muddying the waters

    First Stones album I brought had 'king bee' on it, then I heard the muddy waters verison later on, wasn't a bee keeper then! Great song though. :)
  7. BeeNice

    All colonies swarm every year

    This year I am going to do my AS again and some walk away splits and I have 19 boxes of bees currently............... any bets on 40 come July ! Pete D Hi pete You seem to have had a lot of splits. Where these hives almost all nuc size and not very larger colonies? If so, combine the colonies...
  8. BeeNice

    Swarm Control - Using an upper entrance

    I have used the snelgrove board as a division board with an open entrance to the rear of the main hive entrance. The board has a mesh covered hole in the centre. The idea is to separate the laying queen and flyers from the nurse bees and queen cell being now in the top brood box. The idea is as...
  9. BeeNice

    What month are bees home free?

    To the late swarm question, there are always late swarms hence the poem 'a swarm in may... etc'
  10. BeeNice

    Storing Supers

    You need to seal it up so that the wax moths cannot get at it, put it in a large black plastic sack or something of the like. You can store the frames sealed in a bag and clean up the super ready for next year. good luck Steven
  11. BeeNice

    OAcid by volume

    Thanks... will get scales, best all answer. Steven
  12. BeeNice

    OAcid by volume

    Does anyone know what the volume by measurement would be the correct dose of oxalic acid for one litre of syrup. ie 35g weight. Has anyone done this by volume rather than weight? Thanks Steven
  13. BeeNice

    bee questionnaire

    Did your survey, but some of the questions are to open ended, alot of people make there own hive parts, how much is spend on beekeeping depends on the year you have and how many hives you have. I would look again at the questions to ask as you survey may not give a complete answer. Steven
  14. BeeNice

    Oxalic 6%, Payn*s in the Arse!

    Just to go back to 'from Italy' stock, I thought that the OA had a short shelf life, 10 days or so, in which case... making up in Italy, shipping and selling would it be out of date and that's why its 6% as it losses it's strenght? This is a question not a statment.
  15. BeeNice

    Green mould

    Please do not use any form of Carpet, so old fashioned, plus the wax and other moths love it. Love this reply... Moths should not be able to get at it, even if they were flying at this time of year, with a well fitting roof. It's cheap and does the job. Old fashion... fashion police are on the...
  16. BeeNice

    Green mould

    You could try changing the Kingpin for carpet or something that can let the moisture out and doen't sit so tight on the CB. Steven
  17. BeeNice

    A 'virtual' farm...?

    Manuka only and get top price!!! if you would grow? Nice subject. Steven
  18. BeeNice

    Fondant Recipe

    Ok, easy, just made some today, big pan, 500ml water, 2 litres sugar. Put water in pan, heat, put in all sugar, stir all the time till heat gets to 117 degrees, you need a cooks thermometer. Fill sink with cold water. Once up to heat, take off heat and put in sink (still in the pan) and stir...
  19. BeeNice

    Varroa problem

    Sorry have to disagree, wrong forum, Alonso!!! Kimi 2nd. Can't wait for the final race's of the season, and to start beekeeping again in the spring (getting back on track!) regard Steven
  20. BeeNice

    Varroa problem

    Sorry Outlander, but what the hell are you going on about? I don't need an answer. The questioner needs an answer to their worries, and I believe they have been given some good advice. We have had enough of snipping in the past and don't need to start another round of it. Take a back seat and...