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  1. BeeNice

    Oooops a few too many stings

    Dress in a full bee suit with long gloves, don't take short cuts. Why didn't you just prop up the hive on wood or something until you could do something more long lasting. Always have some antihistimins? handy and take one after or before opening up. regards Steven
  2. BeeNice

    Comb management question

    I just took 2 frames of stores away as they have virtually no space, haven't been touching their stores If the stores are old, the bees sometimes don't touch it, hence the bruising of the comb.
  3. BeeNice

    Comb management question

    I see you have one hive, if you have a super on and the bees are not drawing the comb out and you are running out of bee laying space you can try removing the QE and have them on Brood and half, sometimes the bees don't like drawing comb above the QE, if you don't fancy that add another BBox and...
  4. BeeNice

    My First Apairy!

    One other thing I sometimes put the 'removed frame' on top of the other flat which helps keeping the bees down a bit like a clothe.
  5. BeeNice

    My First Apairy!

    You should have to only take out one frame and move the rest along, I prop my outside frame, most of the time is empty or has few bees on, in front of the entrance so the bees can walk up and back in. Late in the year even the most calm of bees can get very protective. So beware. Good luck Steven
  6. BeeNice

    My First Apairy!

    Have a training session on your hives, is there enough room to take stuff off and put it somewhere, also can you get the varroa boards out of the back. I have my hives on there own stands as when I had them both on one, working one sometimes distrubed the other and they came out looking for...
  7. BeeNice

    Has anyone ever tried using Thorne's packaging material as smoker fuel?

    I use it as a starter with small bits of wood added. No problem with making the bees angry with mine, I try and use as little smoke as possible just a puff under the crown board on opening up and a puff to clear them off when closing up. I have also learnt the lesson of getting well suited up...
  8. BeeNice

    How late after the swarms arrives can the hive location be moved?

    "I thought I would risk moving it the whole distance in one go rather than taking 17 daily moves of 3 feet. For a cup full of bees I think it was worth the risk." Just a tip on moving a hive 3feet a day, I haven't done this but put them on a wheelbarrow and move that, would take a minute each...
  9. BeeNice

    Queen cells anyone ?

    Hi Testka, I'll update you which may take a couple of weeks. Send me a message which will help jog my memory to inform you. regards Steven
  10. BeeNice

    Queen cells anyone ?

    After going through my hives 2 weeks ago the weather hasn't been good enough for me to do anything but go through the winter supers on top of the hives and get the queens below the QE. Go back and check if there is any eggs above the QE ie in the supers later. Got all queens below the QE but on...
  11. BeeNice

    Todays weather and yesterday.

    Hundreds of cars in collision on Tampere roads. heavy snowfall. What's happened to the famous Finnish drivers then! Thought they were all wizz drivers on snow and ice. That's what we keep getting told once we have 10mm of snow and Britain grines to a halt. Keep smiling it's amost spring... steven
  12. BeeNice

    Solar wax melter

    Looks really good, where did you get the tray? as it's the one thing I can't make. regards Steven
  13. BeeNice

    Todays weather and yesterday.

    12.30 the snow has just turned to rain, may get up to 7degrees! wow!!
  14. BeeNice

    A Cautionary Tale

    Thanks Hivemaker, that was very informative, now if it happens to me I know what to do and the reasons behind it. Cheers
  15. BeeNice

    A Cautionary Tale

    Hi, that's what I thought being queen right would stop the laying worker, but wasn't sure, so the best way to deal would be to combine the hives of the queenless and laying worker hive? Steven
  16. BeeNice

    A Cautionary Tale

    It may have been best if you had left the old hive open and dump the bees out in front of it, firstly taking out the eggs frames and seen if the worker got back and started laying again. If she hadn't then you could of combined with one of the other hives. I don't want to worry you but you will...
  17. BeeNice

    Finding an out apiary

    I agree with all the above, start knocking on doors, but, make sure you can recognise a site for placement, out of the way of people, livestock etc. The land owner may say yes but offer an unsuitable area. If you are offered somewhere take along a beekeeper with you and he/she will help you...
  18. BeeNice

    how close, bait hive?

    I'm thinking about putting healing crystals on each hive to see if it would help reduce the varroa, has anyone tried this yet? :-)
  19. BeeNice

    BBC 2 8:00 African honey bees

    So the bees are being saved by the urban beekeeper to 'repopulate' the rest of the country... what about varroa on wild bees! Hearts in the right place and the information althought basic, at least was some for the general public, as said, a bit romantic in tone.
  20. BeeNice

    catching a swarm

    Hi, I've put out bait nuc box's, no luck, placed a older hive outside the side of the house and lots of bees buzzing around, opened up the entrance and put in a couple of frames and had a small swarm set up home, moved them to the apiary and the nuc has now got through the winter. The reason for...