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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. R

    Sugar 59p x 1kg

    Poundstretcher 49p 1kg, FF's 2 for £1, do we have a sugar price war?
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    BBC Radio 4 The Life Scientific

    OMG 3 beekeepers thinking the same?? :party:
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    BBC Radio 4 The Life Scientific

    Anyone catch Dave Coulson talking on The Life Scientific this morning? Podcast here, prog details Here "Professor Dave Goulson has been obsessed with animals since he was a child. He collected all kinds of creatures and went as far as doing home made taxidermy. He's now Professor of...
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    BBC Radio 4 The Life Scientific

  5. R

    Roofs again (sorry!)

    air con & ducting firms ?
  6. R

    Entrance blocks and mice

    Don't suppose they read the :rules: books either??
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    removal of honey

    You're welcome. Andy is ,well, very handy in the pollen identification department. See if you can persuade him to give a talk and demo to your BKA . Russ
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    removal of honey

  9. R

    Sugar 59p x 1kg

    2 1kg bags for £1, 8th Oct at B & M stores.
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    Importing package bees by the truckload?

    I beleave thy now mow at the first sign of blossoms otherwise the bees ignore them?
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    The BBKA website

    Although we are just one BKA, it would appear that Gwent,which does not exist, has slipped through their non existent counties net.
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    Hive barrow

    Aldi £50
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    Housing Associations

    They very often manage land aswell, ask if they have any suitable. Whilst you're at it check their web site to see what their pollinator policy is. We, Gwent BKA, are currently in talks with a number of our local authorities regards them proving land for apiaries and have been asked by one local...
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    Best printer for labels.

    Just replaced our aging HP 2605 with the Dell Itma suggests. Does what it says on the tin but as with the HP, it's a little slow spooling labels because it builds the image first however no problems with ink run in damp conditions. It's currently printing stickers and badges for the children...
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    Hive barrow

    We have two barrows, one's a scissors type and very heavy; the other is timber construction using a 26/27ins bicycle wheel. Both require even ground? Have been looking at the 4 wheeled Aldi garden cart, £50 and keeping an eye out for one of those bicycle trails as possible ways of moving kit...
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    A run on invert syrup!

    Peter was with us last night, he also mentioned a UK shortage of some jar sizes, indicating the bumper crop the UK had?
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    Help! My beeswax doesn't smell like beeswax and it's tainting my honey

    Where did you buy it? If T's, P's etc it should be okay but some of the ebay stuff may/is not pure bees wax!
  18. R


    Is that the place on Hive Alive selling small 4oz?? jars of Cornish manooki at £50 a pop? Given the area you would need to produce quantity, "quality" and not diluted by other flora, I well ???? This has been known for some time, we quote it whenever someone extolls the virtues of...
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    Label code

    White floppy disc labels 70 x 52 work a treat on 12 & 16oz jars, what size jars are you using?
  20. R

    cardiff ,vale,beekeepers

    HI Paul , Cardiff and Vale are still very active, the Gwent SBI , Edmund Thomas, is their Newsletter Editor. There's always Gwent BKA, you're welcome to come to our apiary session this Sunday, details Here as are Edmund's, and check us out. Russ ( Treasurer GBKA) ;)