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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. steve1958

    Total wasp out

    At present wasps are going to my traps that have protein bait, but ignoring the traps with sugar, fruit, or beer in.
  2. steve1958

    Live package bees from Western Australia

    Bees can be imported as long as they have been heat treated
  3. steve1958

    Keeping honey runny over winter?

    Just popped a jar in the freezer to see what happens.
  4. steve1958

    "Unwanted" swarm

    Once your new Queen has mated you will have a perfect 'Swarm' colony to donate to a new beekeeper.
  5. steve1958

    Success with bait hive

    Our garden was visited my a swarm of bees this afternoon. They made straight for the bait hive, so must have checked it out earlier. It is an 8 frame box with 7 frames of starter strips and 1 old brood frame. All the bees made it inside, but it won't surprise me if there is some bearding on the...
  6. steve1958

    Dealing with an apairy of too-defensive colonies

    How long have these bees been like this?
  7. steve1958

    Abelo 12 frame hive issue

    I had the same problem and ended up getting rid of the Hive. I replaced it with the regular abelo hive. I did take the time to feedback to abelo my concern, and my interest in replacing it with one of their other Poly hives. This resulted in a 10% discount so feedback is worthwhile. I now have...
  8. steve1958

    Colony losses, surviving queens

    If you have a colony with a Drone laying Queen then it's worth changing her for the Queen in the dwindling colony. Maybe remove the drone layer and combine the two colonies.
  9. steve1958

    Part time work

    That's why I suggested that the Bee keeper tell them what hives to get :D
  10. steve1958

    Part time work

    It sounds like you could have a suitable site for an apiary there. You may want to suggest putting your own hives there and selling the honey to them at a reasonable rate. I am sure they will add a suitable mark up on the price. Honey for wedding favours goes a long way as you usually use very...
  11. steve1958

    Bait hive etiquette

    If I saw a bait hive that appeared deliberately placed to catch a swarm from my hives I may be tempted to place something near it that would put the bees off, such as peppermint to mask any swarm attractant. I definitely wouldn't touch someone else's property
  12. steve1958

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    It was a nice sunny day here today. Still only 12°c in the shade. Not long now. Sadly I have heard lots of reports of local beekeepers losing bees or Queens this year. So am even more eager to do some proper inspections This hobby really does teach patience
  13. steve1958

    Bees dead in the hive, not sure how

    I Believe It's not the bees that are insured, just any infected equipment that the Bee Inspector destroys
  14. steve1958

    Bees dead in the hive, not sure how

    It looks like the outer frame is undrawn foundation?
  15. steve1958

    Starting out

    Welcome 🍻
  16. steve1958

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

  17. steve1958

    Keeping a hive inside a shed.

    I once kept Bees in a shed on the allotment. Not for long though, as I soon realised I couldn't see what I was doing due to reduced light.
  18. steve1958

    Queen Introduction

    No I have never removed the attendants either. I try to handle the cage as little as possible
  19. steve1958

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I spent a nice half hour watching my Bees today. It's still too cold to open the hives without causing harm so I made do with watching the entrance. They appeared very busy. Lots of pollen being collected. They showed no interest in me even though I was standing next to the hive. And sounded...
  20. steve1958

    Contracts with landowners

    Honey is probably more interesting and valuable than money.