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  1. steve1958

    Restarting my hive

    Also see if there are any registered pest control companies in your area and contact them. Sometimes they are paid to remove colonies of bees, and then are left with the task of rehousing them.
  2. steve1958

    Abandoned QC?

    A few ideas spring to mind. The first queen may have hatched and killed the larvae in the other two queen cells. If they are still Queenless then she may have failed to return from her mating flight. Or you may have a small unmated Queen in the hive.
  3. steve1958

    Carniolan or Buckfast or Italian ligustica or queens?

    I've tried different Queens over the years but always return to Buckfast bees.
  4. steve1958

    Lifetime egg supply

    Yes, currently queen excluder then 3 supers of drawn foundation which does contain some stores.
  5. steve1958

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Inspections has been a bit hit and miss recently due to the weather. Checked my wbc colony today (last inspection 9 days ago). No Queen, no eggs or young brood. I did see her last inspection. 2 Queen cells evident, both in the centre of the same frame. Plenty of bees in the hive. This is...
  6. steve1958

    Lifetime egg supply

    If Queens only go on one mating flight and store the collected sperm inside them ready to fertilise the eggs she lays. There must be a limit to the amount of eggs she can lay in her lifetime. So My question I have a national on single brood box with capped and uncapped brood on 9 of the 11...
  7. steve1958

    Possible no queen?

    I had a Warren hive for a season. It then produced the biggest swarm I have ever seen. It was fun to look after, and interesting. But definitely a high swarm risk. So I replaced it with a National beehive
  8. steve1958

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Took 2 supers of honey off today. Lots of nectar coming in.
  9. steve1958

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Collected a swarm today which I was able to pass on to a beekeeper in need of Bees. OSR coming to an end, and the bees are starting to calm again.
  10. steve1958

    Spike in activity early evening?

    My first thoughts, yes.
  11. steve1958

    Landowner not giving me access to my out-apiary

    I would advise anyone to make sure you always have a back up plan / alternative location. You never know when the situation could change. Having 2 sites over 2 miles apart can be useful. Check to see if your club has an apiary where you can move your hives to temporarily.
  12. steve1958

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    South of England. Hampshire
  13. steve1958

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Topped up the fondant on 5 colonies today. That means each hive has taken 1 kilo in just 7 days
  14. steve1958

    Apiary vandalism / animal rights

    This past winter I had a tree fall near one of my hives. Missed it by about 6 feet apparently. By the time I visited the site the gardeners had removed it and tidied up. Another hive was visited by a horse. Again I didn't witness this but was able to see the fence broken and a pile of manure...
  15. steve1958

    Found a new Queen!

    My Queens sometimes lose their mark over the winter. I guess the bees are constantly cleaning her.
  16. steve1958

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Topped up the fondant today. At present all colonies have made it through the winter, though one does appear light on bees. Looking forward to the warmer days so that I can have a proper look inside. It was just nice getting outside today and seeing the bees flying.
  17. steve1958

    Apisolis Instead of smoke

    I purchased an Apisolis last year and used it at the end of the beekeeping season, by which time all my hives contained calm bees. It's quite a nice item to use. It definitely less harmful than a regular smoker. And I don't smell like a bonfire after using it. It doesn't get hot so is less of a...
  18. steve1958

    Asian hornet traps and baits - please review what you've used

    Perhaps our British weather will help. Warmer weather inviting the Queens to come out of hibernation and start nest building. And then it freezes again killing them off. Or a few weeks of non stop rain so they can't forage. Though wasps seem to cope, so maybes not.
  19. steve1958

    Gasvap alternative

    I found an alternative gasvap Cost with delivery £149
  20. steve1958

    Abelo poly sale price vs telford show prices

    I would message/ email them and ask your question.