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  1. steve1958

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    After what seems like forever hiding indoors out of the cold and rain, today I went out and enjoyed the sunshine. Checked the colonies have enough food, and tidied up
  2. steve1958

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    A very brief check on the Apiary to make sure all was well. I didn't check inside the Hives. Heard a woodpecker pecking at a tree
  3. steve1958

    Bee-killing pesticides use banned

    If farmers are banned from using the neonicotinoid treated seeds then their only option is to spray their crops instead. So make sure you are on their list of contacts so that they notify you on crop spraying days
  4. steve1958

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I didn't. Newbeeneil's post has put me off
  5. steve1958

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I nearly ordered one of these today, but am now having second thoughts. Aftersale service is important to me
  6. steve1958

    Time to change our tune?

    My 21 year old son was born disabled. He can't see, he can't talk, we mobilise him in a wheelchair. He is incontinent and also suffers epileptic type fits, has problems swallowing fluids, and can't feed himself. He has a mental age of a pre school child. He has also undergone several operations...
  7. steve1958

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Spent an hour in the sunshine watching the bees. Also managed to kill a dozen wasps.
  8. steve1958


  9. steve1958

    National Surveillance Scheme

    I sent a honey sample off a few years back. But never received any results back. I think they received a lot more samples than they were expecting that year..
  10. steve1958

    National Surveillance Scheme

    Seasonal Bee Inspector The bee inspectors are employed by FERA The food and environmental research agency This check appears to be to monitor for the presence of pesticides. Trading standards would be more interested in additives. My springtime honey is solid in buckets too. Once I have...
  11. steve1958

    National Surveillance Scheme

    My apiary has been visited 4 times in 16 years. Whenever there is any reports of disease in the area. Unfortunately the Bee inspectors each cover a large area, and also have a big part to play in fighting the asian hornet threat. So you are unlikely to see one unless there are reports of...
  12. steve1958

    National Surveillance Scheme

    You can read more about the programme and see the overall results of the testing of honey at
  13. steve1958

    National Surveillance Scheme

    No, what's scary is the paperwork states "If illegal substances, or a very high concentration of an authorised medicine were found, we cannot rule out the possibility of legal action". Protecting the food chain I guess.
  14. steve1958

    National Surveillance Scheme

    I looked up last years test results. Doesn't mean anything to me
  15. steve1958

    National Surveillance Scheme

    Yes. FERA send the results to the VMD who record it on their database, and then the VMD write to me confirming the result
  16. steve1958

    National Surveillance Scheme

    Yesterday I received a visit from the regional bee inspector requesting a sample of my honey to send off for testing. The paperwork left with me says the sample is sent to FERA, who will analyse it for one or more veterinary medicine residue or other contaminants. It goes on to say that there...
  17. steve1958

    Very runny honey

    It will be really good for selling in squeezy bottles. Thank you for all your comments It puts my mind at rest
  18. steve1958

    Very runny honey

    No not at all.
  19. steve1958

    Very runny honey

    Planned on jarring up some honey at the weekend Water content 17.9 But it is really runny. Any thoughts or suggestions? Fortunately it's only the one batch. I did check the refractometer using olive oil
  20. steve1958

    Soft set to runny

    I currently have mine in the wine fridge, running at between 14.7 and 15°C I've convinced myself it's a low cost method as the solar panels are producing plenty of power. Once the weather cools a bit I will switch it off, or before if it all sells.