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  1. Heather

    Few beginner questions.

    IMO Pop a queen excluder on as soon as bees on the outer frames of the BB. If brand new undrawn super frames then leave the QE out for a week to allow bees to go up unfettered. Remember to pop QE in after a week. (Bees seem reluctant to go through QE to brand new frames) When the bees have...
  2. Heather

    Posting Queens

    But be wary, the post is being very intermittent recently due to Virus. Pal in North West had all birthday cards delivered 5 days late. And here in Sussex its not as usual..
  3. Heather

    Can I use a swarm?

    I have a few queen cells in the incubator from an excellent hive. Don't want to rinse house bees off their hives to fill my apideas.. So... If I get a swarm could I use those bees to fill the apideas (once I isolate the swarm queen to one). Will they revert to house bee duties in their 3 day...
  4. Heather

    Beekeepers suit poll

    bee suits? have a look at Great quality, half the price.
  5. Heather

    Strange swarm

    I once called to 'a swarm'. when i got there - 3 independent large clumps of bees hanging along a branch. Seemed very settled as 3 units. I boxed up all 3 individually, then went and grabbed a cuppa with the caller whilst they settled. On going back, one box empty, with two uniting. Left me with...
  6. Heather

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Went up to remove a super of ?OSR capped honey and found the little charmers had decided to swarm. Fortunately a clipped queen so they had obligingly settled beneath the OMF in a lovely big prime cluster. So my lovely queen, leaving behind 7 frames, wall to wall, brood.. and 3 queen cells, is...
  7. Heather

    Queen wasps using bate hives.

    Then you have been lucky, my Welsh friend.. I have had hives annihilated by wasps. Reduced the entrance.. didn't work. Closed entrance.. 50+ wasps all over the hive within the minute. I had to move the hives 3 miles away to ensure they survived. . The hornets are much less of a problem to me..
  8. Heather

    Rusty to say the least

    Now you're talking....only when evil bees to I resort to a brandy..:cheers2:
  9. Heather

    Replacing old brood comb

    Sounds a huge area to be giving them, and messy.. But if you want to continue with 2 BB I can see no other option. And yes, supers back with them..
  10. Heather

    First swarm of 2020

    I was grabbing a super off as OSR in area. They then swarmed as my back was turned.. serves me right for not ploughing through checking for Q cells. But the queen was clipped and they all piled under the original hive.. So thoughtful of them. My beautiful queen is safely back in a hive, next to...
  11. Heather

    Bees more defensive at a start of a flow?

    Yep, my usually polite hives were foul today, following, stinging, just b** rude. There had better be a load of honey soon!
  12. Heather

    First swarm of 2020

    I always spray a bit of Beequick on the tree where the swarm had been to shift last few bees..seems to stop them returning. Just dont stand under when you spray.. makes the eyes STING! even if bees dont!
  13. Heather

    Queen wasps using bate hives.

    If near your hives then a potential risk to your bees. Wait for the queen to start building then destroy the nest with her in it.. sorry to those who love wasps, yes, live and let live... but not to the detriment to my bees. No point altering entrance to your bait hive.. she will go in a tiny...
  14. Heather

    Oxalic Acid.

    They need to get up to speed!. If used with safety equipment for the bee keeper it is fine. bees safe, treatment works..
  15. Heather

    Oxalic Acid.

    I have used the Gas-Vap, with 1/2 tsp oxalic crystals per hive. So fast to treat load of hives. Did late December All bees safely though winter, and now-in drone brood developed from my super frame in the BB, I have yet to see any varroa.
  16. Heather

    Top bar

    Many thanks all, appreciate. Been an interesting new side to my bee keeping. And a joy to see what they have done . They are beautiful bees, and may nick some larvae for grafting as think the gene pool good.
  17. Heather

    Top bar

    My top bars are about 1/4" higher than the equivalent national frames in a National box, hence the difficulty in any transfer. Had to make a very thin eke last Autumn to move a colony from a top bar Nuc (6 frames) into a national. Got messy, but finally succeeded in settling them, and now all...
  18. Heather

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Thanks for that.. have 12 sealed holes .. do they seal with wax as it looks more like a clay
  19. Heather

    Top bar

    I have no problem with manipulation.. just they are soon going to have filled the hive and the top bars don't fit into a basic hive to split them. I can remove some honey stores but may be easier to nip queen out and concentrate their minds to a new queen scenario, whilst I use her in a new...
  20. Heather

    Feed stations.

    Yep, poor practice.. and now there are flows on. Bees will cope without your intervention/feeding!