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  1. Heather

    Bait Hive Loungers...

    Amongst other spare stuff, had a spare Nuc with drawn comb, no food, just stored at the side of my house... Saw a few bees in and out....told them, naff off, no food there... then realised my mistake when 2 hours later a prime swarm arrived.. Had to quickly put a brood box in the same place...
  2. Heather

    Heart shaped wild comb

    They were obviously bored! Just shows .. give them an inch they will take it.. and more..and spinning off a challenge when capped.
  3. Heather

    Labeling question

    Yes, complaints from member that my pic showed cornflowers too, and comment was... 'when did you last see a cornflower. Have contacted Trading Standards to see if I am conflict with regulations... waiting to see..
  4. Heather

    English pedantry

    Old English.. stop the b******s swarming!
  5. Heather

    Labeling question

    I am not specifying, just saying Pure Sussex Honey. But thought a wild flower pic on one side of the label looked interesting.. Will take these thoughts back , thank you..
  6. Heather

    Labeling question

    I want to create a new label for my honey.. found a lovely wild flower pic with no copyright claims. But other bee keepers say not suitable as poppy on it also amongst other wild flowers and bees don't get nectar from poppy.. say I am not complying with regs! I say bees use the pollen from that...
  7. Heather

    It's all very sad

    Have to say, a frame of brood on a long pole does work, for future reference.. Stood on a ladder with the pole, and got it to rest on a nearby branch. Came back later and all bees had moved to the frame... bringing it down was 'interesting' as it was heavy!
  8. Heather

    No new queen cells

    Well that is encouraging MasterBK, as I still have a couple of apideas who are 'on their own' as run out of virgins!! But they had lovely brood from previous queens. Lets hope Jenkins incorrect as loads of bees on 10 frame apideas. (5 frames in extension above)
  9. Heather

    No new queen cells

    Thanks.. have virgins in my incubator.. will transfer..
  10. Heather

    No new queen cells

    I have apideas, each with plenty of bees in. All had good queens so plenty of brood. I have given those mated queens to people with queenless hives, and just assumed that my apideas would have new queen cells within 14 day as brood present was eggs to capped. Looked today... not one queen...
  11. Heather

    drones and queens and mating flights

    I am thinking that with a cast, they do a few reorientation flights before the queen ventures out on her flight..
  12. Heather


    Bees tend to work things out for themselves.. If you are sure they are not in swarm mode.. let them crack on with their behaviour. You have eggs there, not drone laying.. all is well.
  13. Heather

    Nurse bees

    Are you doing a split to prevent swarming? If so brood frames and a queen cell one way, queen on broodless frame and all other frames the other. Queen right colony back to original site for fliers to build up that colony size. But need to find that unmarked queen... If just splitting to...
  14. Heather

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Grabbed a huge prime swarm..filled 5 apideas (loaded with either caged virgin or capped QC) and filled a hive with the remainder, looking like covering 9 frames. Just pray that the queen didn't go in the apidea, but couldn't see her... and they all walked into the hive well, so fingers...
  15. Heather

    Queen wing deformity?

  16. Heather

    Asian Hornet Sticky Traps

    Not wringing hands, and I am trying to get the info required.. speaking to the bee keeper/ specialist from Jersey who is having hives devastated,and he is trying to educate the UK... bit like a virus not being taken seriously!! .. Just saying that nests this year could be mature enough to throw...
  17. Heather

    Few beginner questions.

    Never put black near them.. they will pile in with an attack...not sure why.. but seen it happen.. Pal wore white gloves with a black stripe. White all clear, but the black stripe... I reckon 100 stings!!!
  18. Heather

    Few beginner questions.

    Sorry, my Welsh friend.. not a myth.. bees much slower to go up to brand new foundation if a QE is in place.. seen many times with new beekeepers ringing me saying bees not using supers..but if they do as I suggest then a faster development of super takes place.. I can only go with my own...
  19. Heather

    Asian Hornet Sticky Traps

    You may not have Asian hornets in Wales, but 3 nests destroyed in England last year, and 2 other A hornets identified as loners. Each of these nests can throw off many queens. Please don't think we wont is just a matter of time.. But need to set up responsible traps
  20. Heather

    Beekeepers suit poll

    What's the quality of the veils like, Heather? Seem as good as others that are more expensive