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  1. Heather

    home made wine?

    Thanks, will pop more in. A wine friend tasted it and smacked lips so its worth keeping!
  2. Heather

    Wasp extermination ?

    I use these One per apiary.. usually collects 1000's inside I put under the weakest colony as the big ones cope. Don't like to destroy insects usually, but my bees are my livestock and need to protect..
  3. Heather

    home made wine?

    Any experts out there? last year I made 3 demijohns of red wine ( totally filled from juice of wine grapes). I cannot get wine to not be 'fizzy'. It isn't really blipping anymore, I have added a camden tablet to each.. but still not mellow. Help please
  4. Heather

    The Archers

    Well that explains a lot :rofl:
  5. Heather

    bee sting cream/medication

    Vodka and orange, with ice cube.. ice cube on sting,,
  6. Heather

    Gas Vape

    I use Gasvape, and such an improvement on previous practices. BUT please protect yourself. Good mask. Have to say, I have never lost bees during this exercise, and now have very low varroa drop. Come on BBKA, catch up.
  7. Heather

    European Foulbrood Suspected

    They will not do nothing.. the bee inspector can go uninvited if they don't respond to a request for a visit..:smash::judge:
  8. Heather

    Deformed wings

    The bees with '3 wings' .... the double wings normally hook joined to allow direction in flight. Tracheal mite can cause these wings to become disjointed. Varroa causes a shrivelled looking wing as though with a cigarette burn.
  9. Heather

    Transporting queen cells

    Yep, bra is useful, but I once got stung by a queen I was holding in a cage! Queen cells-- I always keep a little plastic box with kitchen roll in. AND I pop extra paper between the cells to keep separate as the queens do hatch quickly when away from the house bees, and one hatching can kill...
  10. Heather

    Mating flights

    I thought only a few went with her, if any, so this is strange behaviour.. will be interested to see more replies. Sounds more like swarm but queen didn't go with them so they returned...
  11. Heather

    Musings on waxmoth - and storing supers

    I can get 10 at a time in my chest freezer. leave a week, then store on gardening tray( in bee room) ensuring no gaps and sealed at top. but only coping with about 40 so not too much trouble.
  12. Heather

    European Foulbrood Suspected

    and ladies..
  13. Heather

    European Foulbrood Suspected

    Just wish my local farmers grew foraging crops.. just got wheat! Even stopping OSR as no longer economical to grow!
  14. Heather

    Hi from Brighton

    As Chair of Brighton & Lewes bee keepers...I give you a big welcome. If you have yet to see our web site give it a go. Need any advice , just call us. and we do discount offers occasionally for our members. But a warning.. it is addictive... and a...
  15. Heather

    European Foulbrood Suspected

    Good, and extra vigilance with other hives. No using same hive tools unless totally scrubbed etc... wash suit, gloves boots etc if you have 2nd apiary. Best of luck tomorrow. I had a visit from B.I yesterday as EFB within 3km. She was great - looked though all 8 hives, gave me a reassuring bill...
  16. Heather

    European Foulbrood Suspected

    Phone your local bee inspector pdq . does sound like efb.. so 6 weeks quarantine for your apiary..and other apiaries nearby need to know to be extra vigilant . If inspection confirmed, and very light infection then, shaking onto new frames, but if much, then dig hole, burn all frames But phone NOW
  17. Heather


    Lakeland Deluxe Latex Free Washing Up Gloves. Lots of sizes. Not expensive, have a lining to stop hands getting sweaty, thin enough to be sensitive to the bee handling, but stings rarely get through. Wash in your bucket between each hive inspection.
  18. Heather

    First post from Sussex

    Welcome Orchard bee.. have you joined an Assoc, as advice always forthcoming from them/us. If you are near Brighton, look us up.. good luck. Ah just noted you are with an Assoc. sorry.. but pics look good, healthy brood. And it's a huge learning curve for the first 2 years, then settles. Just...
  19. Heather

    National NUC to National Jumbo hive!!

    By Jumbo are you meaning 14x12 which is deeper than standard National or Commercial which is wider.. If 14x12 frames in your main hives then National from Nuc not a problem. The bees will extend the nationals from the Nuc , with comb, down to the level of the new frames.. But always a little...
  20. Heather

    Heart shaped wild comb

    Bored beekeepers then??