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  1. Heather

    Sunday task

    Wasn't really room, in a fairly dense wood on a steep slope. Jammed base of ladder into next tree base. was fairly sturdy!
  2. Heather

    Sunday task

    I put a layer of fondant on top of OMF on tinfoil, and another load above them on cover board opening. Insulation in roof to keep warmth in. Leaving in peace to settle. They have thrown out a few dead bees, so tidying, and some wax dropping through floor, so feeding and sorting.. Fingers crossed...
  3. Heather

    Sunday task

    Hmm, initially the men did, saying I wasn't to.... was not happy as I love doing such recoveries.!!..mouthing chauvinism comments.. But when they had the bulk of the colony in the special large bag I had made (worked well with the drawstring encapsulating the bees), they left a few hundred on...
  4. Heather

    Sunday task

    Thank you.. Just want to get them safely into Spring, then can give to someone new. I don't need any more!
  5. Heather

    Sunday task

    Whoa, does my bum look big in this, was chilly and had a jacket and joggers under!!! Honest!
  6. Heather

    Sunday task

    Collected and safely in a National. Was some brood present and stores.
  7. Heather

    New Beekeeper - Flow Hive

    We were given one and gave away as more trouble than worth it.
  8. Heather

    New Beekeeper - Flow Hive

    Ha ha..
  9. Heather

    Late Feeding of Hives

    Totally agree. QE out now, Then heft hives to give you an idea of stores. I would personally leave all stores on, let them use as they would do in feral conditions. If a bad winter I would also bang a bag of fondant on the top, over the cover board. This year a write off, but at least you are...
  10. Heather

    Sunday task

    Ha ha know the feeling.. Waved goodbye to 70 a while back.. but was up cleaning gutters yesterday so don't mind ladders. Will secure it.
  11. Heather

    New Beekeeper - Flow Hive

    Flow hive,,, Noooooooooo. Some plonker trying to reinvent the wheel.... Just get a basic National/WBC hive and learn, practice, watch and learn again. You will give yourself stupid problems with that hive and it is tricky enough in your first 2 years. We are here to help and advise. And NO...
  12. Heather

    Sunday task

    Did say Sunday task. Scaffolding out as too woody and on a slope. I intend to secure ladder to tree with a hive strap. But still safer than the ladder balanced on to a bird box earlier this year, vertical ladder in 10inch space, swarm 10' up.!. managed that one. Am all for leaving bees...
  13. Heather


    Absolutely.. but I am always reluctant to cull.. sorted that one for him.;)
  14. Heather

    Sunday task

    Hmm, two other beekeepers are men, and they are trying to persuade me not to go up the ladder..(trying to look after the old lady!!) but I am happy to.. will see. Thinking to put the bag in a box which I can wedge between me and the tree. Will drawstring them up to reduce escape, then slice the...
  15. Heather

    Sunday task

    These were seen 15' up, Seems a colony worth rescuing. have made a double pillow case bag to encapsulate them (hopefully) before I start to extricate from the tree. Hope pic shows them- as bit better in hive than on a computer!
  16. Heather


    They were on 9 frames and the super under was complete for winter feed. Their behaviour was poor (being polite) so I am thinking queen failure. But all gone , so hope they bulked up other colonies.
  17. Heather

    Moving hive

    I would never move at night.. want full vision.. No need for extra ventilation at this time of the year. Just put both holding straps parallel not in cross formation, I chalk a line on roof to remind me of frame direction if moving a few hives. Yes frames run parallel to side of car. A crash...
  18. Heather


    A pal been to his apiary. One decent sized colony, topped up with fondant, and a super of stores has decamped..not one bee remained!.. In November!...they had room, so any thoughts why? I know of starvation swarm but these had no excuse!
  19. Heather

    Winter losses?

    Re winter losses. A strange winter last year as a few people in our Assoc lost colonies due to wet in hives, although the hives were high quality. No inspection boards in, so I don't understand why.. but bees in huge mouldy heap! Personally have only lost one in the past few years and that was...
  20. Heather

    lavender site?

    Thanks all, food for thought.