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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Heather

    Swarm or Supersedure QC’s?

    Just look a bit stunty for swarm.. I would expect more time taken to develop them.
  2. Heather

    Too early for swarm traps?

    Wow, crazy weather , crazy bees. But a colony reported to me.- Sussex- 9 frames brood, drones galore, and swarm cells ripe.and... .already filled a super. Think my bees still in thermal undies!!!
  3. Heather

    Drone Foundation?

    In every hive I do tend to pop a super frame amongst the brood frames. They draw it down and it is usually drone developed. A lovely colony then will have a good supply of extra drones to go on mating missions. But the bees themselves will develop drone sized cells in brood frames if you...
  4. Heather

    Brushes as grafting tools

    Fine paint brush, moisten in lips, brings to a fine point. works well.
  5. Heather

    Veil advice

    I always grab a cheap pair of specs from Tesco (other outlets available :p)- one/two strength up, just for egg spotting!
  6. Heather

    What colour is your bee suit?

    I know but I don't like sage.. for me.. Mine is more pale lime..may have to bite the bullet and change thinking..
  7. Heather

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    He wants it removing asap. and I want to teach the new beekeeper about gently transferring bees across. So going to do on new site. The BB frames are so glued up it may take quite a while if gently done. And in middle of rose bushes!
  8. Heather

    What colour is your bee suit?

    Talking to a woman who has had 'her colours' done .(ladies will understand) :icon_204-2:.. I shouldn't wear black (not that I would with bees ,, would die a thousand deaths!!!) , white, grey, red.. so am looking for the light green...but no, just white, brown or army green stuff.. :banghead...
  9. Heather

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Went to assess a Dadant hive for an elderly man who decided to give up beekeeping, and giving me his colony. Will be a challenge to move.. but on initial inspection, I removed the super with 2 wasps nests in, removed the crown board (well came off in bits.) removed QE that had been there for a...
  10. Heather

    What colour is your bee suit?

    I love my pale green ones, never had different.. but cannot find anyone who sells now except S**** the Beek and they seem too cheap to be good quality.- £25 ( I expect to pay about £90). also they are made in Pakistan so I worry about the conditions and wages of those people. But getting...
  11. Heather

    Friends lost colony pictures

    What was the floor of the hive like. a bed of dead bees or minimal..
  12. Heather

    Father and Daughter beekeepers from West Sussex

    I take my observation hive into schools, and am always amazed at how the children are so aware of the need for bees, and the wonderful questions they throw at me. ( a 6yr old asked me if wasps were omnivores!) They also remember me when we meet up at local wild life events..and they proudly...
  13. Heather

    Hi from West Sussex, UK

    Excellent, you sound sorted. wishing you every success in this lovely hobby/ passion/obsession!
  14. Heather

    Hi from West Sussex, UK

    You will probably join Brighton & Lewes, so may not meet up as, with great sadness,I had to leave there (long story). If you haven't got a 2nd hive yet there is a great carpenter in Hassocks who makes complete cedar for less than flatpacks, and I am always happy to help if you run into a problem.
  15. Heather

    Hi from West Sussex, UK

    Welcome Bob, Am in Newick and happy to chat stuff through with you.
  16. Heather

    I’d rather be

    When I had my businesses, looking after many elderly, my 60 lovely staff were also my headache.. taking one to police to get her a protection order against abuse at home, another being evicted that day (husband unaware) till I sorted with the Council to help pay her rent.. another thieving from...
  17. Heather

    What is happening to our queens

    I went to hear him talk, and he said if anyone over 70 came to 'his' Division he told them to go and take up knitting or something similar as too old to start beekeeping. And he meant it.! Most unpleasant. Audience were aghast!
  18. Heather

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Thought Finman said to leave blocked too...
  19. Heather

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Ha ha, remember going to a fancy dress (Murder weekend) Theme 'British traditions' 'Stiff upper lip'.. wore a shroud (don't ask) and held a lily.. and had huge cardboard red lips on my head! First prize!
  20. Heather

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I was taught.. if snow blocking entrance .. leave it there.. Not a problem as long as they have fondant. If snow cleared, then with sunlight strong, bees will venture out to inviting weather. hit the cold and fall. .