Unless I've missed something, you need to requeen and not allow them to requeen themselves, as this may/will leave you 3 times worse off, as the new queens will be from the old queens eggs.
Someone correct me if I've got the wrong end of the stick?
See link in post 126.
PhD student Jenny Hawkins is working on a joint project between the garden and the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Cardiff University to DNA barcode honey.
She has collected honey from across the UK and is...
This has bee posted before with positive results but here we go again:
Beekeepers, please send your honey samples to: Jenny Hawkins, Welsh School of Pharmacy, Redwood Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3NB
A small group of us bought 6 Buckfast queens this year, not from Pete & I didn't do the buying, and they've all swarmed and it seems we're about to buy some more. Yes we're pants beekeepers.:beatdeadhorse5:
How come they issue a recall for incorrect tyre pressure label but apparrently are doing nothing about this although they seem to have acknowledged there may be a fault?
Hi All,
Midweek program, was on this morning 9am but repeated 9.30 tonight
On iPlayer too
"Adam Hart is professor of science communication at the University of Gloucestershire. He is the resident bee expert for BBC Two's series Hive Alive which explores the secret world of the honey...
If you're going ahead with this maybe some sort of written waiver maybe required and if they've been there 8 wks it's going to be messy take a few honey buckets. Don't forget the pics.
Sammy asked "Hi, have moved into newport (in south wales), and can't find a local beekeeper and honey retailer, as I find it helps with Hayfever! :-) Who works in that area and where can I go to buy your honey? I do not have a car, so I can't go REALLY far, one or two bus journeys may be Ok...