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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. R


    Although this a beekeeping forum, it's primarily honeybees. You answer maybe here Bumblebee conservation
  2. R

    hi new to bees and this forum

    Welcome to the forum. I'm down at New Inn/ Panteg. Check here Gweent Bee Keepers You're welcome to come to meetings. There are plenty of swarms about but we do not recommend them if you're just starting out. There's also plenty of help. Russ
  3. R

    Observation Hive

    We have both the swivel glass 3 frame and the nuc box with observation window above similar to the Ulster BK's. The former has been consigned to a dark corner of the apiary shed,whilst the later is used throughout the season. What do you need to know?
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    Honey Importers.... help!!!

    Get the RBI involved, I did: About two years ago 50gall drums were on ebay loacl to me. Stated exactly what they were imported bulk honey drums. They sold loads. I reported to our RBI, he followed up, turned out local bottling plant need rid off; this guy picked them up and put straight on ebay...
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    Stolen Hives

    Signs assume they can be seen, read or give a Shyte. Maybe not a good example but...
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    Flow Hive - more info

    There's a lot of pressure on these guys now, to come up with the goods. Wonder how long it'll take for the bubble to burst this time?
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    My first Artificial Swarm

    Sounds like a Beehause or similar. Not sure how successful AF/shook swarm will be?
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    Plans and wood for building hives?

    Check this thread Timber
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    Insurance against theft of hives?

    NFU cover us: association kit and bees against theft etc worldwide, £200 though.
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    Swarming is begginning

    Very obliging bees down here! Mind you we've a regular call out to a gas vent in Caerleon where they're not so well behaved.
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    Swarming is begginning

    Here's our first call of the season today in Cwmbran.
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    Flow Hive - more info

    Lost me there, I was referring to Alan Sugar's Apprentice numpties, but that too must be a con, wasn't the 2013 a cup cake supply business?
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    Flow Hive - more info

    If their profile/cv's are to be believed with their: good degree, top job, well heeled,head hunted and as thick as shxt when it comes to basics. Makes you wonder who's hiring them in the first place? It's a wonder the UK's not gone totally down the pan? Still hope for some of use lesser mortals???
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    Flow Hive - more info

    Bit like Sugar and the Apprentice numpties?
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    Local honey wanted Blackwood/Caerphilly area

    Hi Nicola, There are several members of Gwent and Cardiff BKA's on your doorstep but don't advertise the fact. Follow this link Lorne East, he should sort you out? Thanks for the plug Wessexmario ;) Russ
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    Allotment rules

    Waverider do you really want to keep your bees close to these ones? There are several former and current members of our BKA that have 1 or more of: 1: Have minimal BDI ins, although they have more than 3 colonies 2: Won't reg with Beebase. ???????? 3: No PL. Former members but still have...
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    Internet Sign Up.

    There are a lot of muppets in CS and IT, mainly internet providers!
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    Rodent control

    Did you watch the-ladykillers-pest-detectives-episode-1 on BBC 2 last night. Bee cut out next week?? Volunteers wanted Sounds similar to your problem
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    SHB temp ban on imported bees from Italy

    This is what we have to fear most with any pest/disease ,people's fear that they will lose all and get little in return for doing the right thing. Add to that bureaucracy, corruption and ineptitude what chance do we have? How long was Varroa in the UK before anyone put their hand up and how did...
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    Hello from Italy

    Welcome to the forum Christian, from Wales. Russ