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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. R

    Honey & Pollen Workshop

    Sorry to hijack your post. Dinah's giving a talk on Mead this Thursday at Goytre Village Hall after a SGM. Details on Gwent BKA's website. All welcome, free entry. small charge for tea/coffe and cake.
  2. R

    Question on overwintering bees

    Not sure if this will throw some light on the how snow affects different parts of the UK. IIRC we're sandwiched between the Gulf stream and Siberian winds? Only yesterday Birmingham had snow whilst tee shirt weather here in Wales? UK snowfall anual average
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    Bill Turnbull

    Gloucestershire Bee Auction Buyer beware!
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    Question on overwintering bees

    Winter Honeysuckle as already pointed out.
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    Question on overwintering bees

    Taken 11th Jan 2013 , couple of days later country ground to a halt with snow. Several mm of ice on water, well below the 15c claimed they don't fly/forage! Bumbles were out too!
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    IWF Videos

    Here's another link Dean Forest Beekeepers
  7. R

    A good top bar hive book

    I'm sure all will be okay ;) "The initiative was welcomed by Coleg Gwent tutors who attended specialist training on sustainable bee keeping from ‘Bees for Development’ based in Monmouth before the bees arrived at the end of term." "The traditional National hive is geared towards honey...
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    A good top bar hive book

    Maybe OT but at the beginning of the year Coleg Gwent invited us and several other interested parties to a meeting on keeping bees on campus. Our cautionary advice as to type of hives, training, location, swarm and pest managment appear to have been ignored. Last paragraph on this page says it...
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    Jar Prices

    Collection is okay,need to check with Neil regards p & p but iirc under £10. Russ
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    Jar Prices

    Pm'd details of supplier in New Inn, Pontypool.
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    Printing own jar labels at home TIPS

    :iagree: and womens hairspray should waterproof inkjet lables.
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    They have delivered in your neck of the woods. Group buy??
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    Did you use our friends at Usk or get it elsewhere?
  14. R

    Disease expert advice required

    Spores are also present in honey, so if they are robbing an infected hive or there is a source of honey eg. bottling plant, poeple leaving unwashed jars out etc then the cycle will continue . Have a look at our National Bee unit site , the BBKA, Welsh beekeepers and Randy Oliver's site
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    Bees in a wall, can I save them?

    BBC2 .The Ladykillers: Pest Detectives. 42.39 in
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    Solitary bees

    The makers will provide download link if you want to show offline. Tis surprising where keeping bees takes you and new friends you make ;)
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    Solitary bees

    This may be of interest, Solitary Bee film
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    Wax recovery

    Screwfix are selling their Titan TTB419STM 2000W Wallpaper Stripper for £19.99
  19. R

    Best treatment for sting swelling?

    Sorry, I was not suggesting she get an epipen, just that you monitor her and if reacts more to the next sting , ask her doctor to check what in the sting affects her. Air on the cautious side.
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    Best treatment for sting swelling?

    Don't bee alarmed but suggest you keep an eye on your wife's reaction to stings. Maybe ask your doc to check her out? Bee stings never used to bother me but recently my reaction has worsened. Took two to my face yesterday at the associatio apairy, one on forehead and one just under nose and...