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  1. merylvingien

    Colony cut out maybe

    Its the ones that are in the cavity that will be the problem. I spose you could narrow the entrance right down on the outside and pop a valve on, then rig up some kind of capture box?? What about the young bees in the cavity still? If your up for it, the way i would go about it is: Try and trap...
  2. merylvingien

    Colony cut out maybe

    Sorry to say i feel its a hopeless cause. I get loads of these scenarios. But i am standing my ground this year and saying i no longer kill bees. I hate killing bees of any kind, and you may find that not many pest controllers will touch them with a barge pole. If you cannot manage the...
  3. merylvingien

    Bumble bees ! Advice please

    They are not protected, no bees in the uk are protected oddly enough. They can sometimes be relocated but its a bit hit and miss. Best off to leave them alone, start a new compost heap for this summer then combine compost in the autumn using the paper method of course :D
  4. merylvingien

    Do swallows eat bees?

    To be honest, even if they took ten or twenty a day, does it really matter? It certainly wont affect your bees in any sort of form or fashion! And if it did, i would start to think maybe i should look at these bees and find out why they are almost dead. I love swallows and swifts, house...
  5. merylvingien

    Aggressive bees

    I have 3 new queens due in a couple of weeks, they were supposed to have been here already but circumstances due to supply have held things up a bit, i cant wait to set too and get my nasties nice!
  6. merylvingien

    Aggressive bees

    Thanks for the replies! I am handling them more confidently and more gently than ever before, try to not use smoke unless really needed. Had the same thing with a swarm i collected last year that were over the top in their aggressiveness and had to destroy them. I wonder if the swarms in this...
  7. merylvingien


    Yep, in my business i get many calls every year to deal with hornets and i can honestly say that i have never had a problem with them. They do not react like wasps do and almost seem scared of whats happening, it is quite sad to witness the destruction of such facinating things. I am afraid that...
  8. merylvingien

    Aggressive bees

    I am after some different opinions from more experienced people on a highly aggressive colony that i have the pleasure of keeping. It was a swarm that i exctracted from a loft last year around this time. They built up slowly and never produced anything last year, and this year is not much...
  9. merylvingien

    ROYAL WEDDING ...hopefully I'll get away with this today...

    I was hoping it was going to be warm, there is always a chance of a swarm when its warm, plus its a bloody good excuse to turn the tele off and get out of the house :D
  10. merylvingien


    I would personaly take out any that i see with myxi, simply because i dont like them suffering with it. As for having any affects to the population, kill them, leave them, it wont make a blind bit of difference.
  11. merylvingien

    Observation Nuc

    Hmmm interesting. I may even have a bash at knocking something like this myself, just for entertainment value of course! :D
  12. merylvingien

    Observation Nuc

    I am being a total dimwit here as i have never seen an observation hive, but i take it that most of the frames go in the nuc box in the bottom, bar one frame that lives in the top???
  13. merylvingien

    Observation Nuc

    Can you take a photo and post it on here Heather?
  14. merylvingien


    I have found that myxy seems to go on a 3 year cycle. As a rural pest controller part of my time is spent ferreting rabbits. It seems to go like this: bumper rabbit year The following year will they will be hit hard (virus mutates) 3rd year the rabbit is gaining new immunity to the mutation...
  15. merylvingien


    Sorry to be blunt, but that is total crap told by someone who has made crap up to suit. The mixoma virus is a blood transmitted disease very similar to the commone cold and is trasmitted by mosquitoes and fleas. When i say similar to the common cold, i mean that it is highly developed and...
  16. merylvingien

    How long to draw comb?

    Sam, no need to add drawn comb for a swarm, let them sort it out themselves, they come prepared for that nonesence LOL With an average size swarm, i would expect a single frame to be drawn within a day or two, i believe this is just to get the queen active and start laying, once this has been...
  17. merylvingien

    Hive Jig - No not a new dance, but ...

    I dont understand the idea of this jig to be honest? Whats wrong with an old fashioned square? Can be used for all sorts of hive construction and for frames too plus whatever other woodworking or metal working projects you have on the go... Dont mean to dampen your post, but just dont get the...
  18. merylvingien

    Inspection routine

    One of the problems i have when putting everything back, the bees seem to like to sit on top of the frames and q excluder, so when its time to put the supers on there are hundreds of bees waiting to be crushed. Its particularly awkward when the supers are nearly full, cause they weigh a bloody ton.
  19. merylvingien

    HELP! my bees are posessed by the anti-christ.

    I dunno, these people with vicious bees :D How did you get on with the swarm? Did they stay?
  20. merylvingien

    Bloody neighbours

    powerfull high pressure hose lined up in her basic direction which is activated by a water sensor, when she sprays the bees, she instantly gets hit back. That would sort her antics out. lol