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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. merylvingien

    Bees from auctions

    Agree, i recently bought a new van at the auctions, i new what i wanted and the price i wanted to pay, so just held off and was patient and finaly the ship come in for me. Got a bargain and a gooden. Most of the original bidders had spent their money in the panic at the start and next to no one...
  2. merylvingien

    hornet trap supplied by Fera

    Thanks for detailed reply, i think this deserves further monitoring and investigation though. I never normally say numbers on the internet, but you can read my private message that i sent to you a bit earlier, that will give you an idea of the number of nests that i treated last year. Out of...
  3. merylvingien

    hornet trap supplied by Fera

    I would like to send apoligies to Karol for my post last night, it was unfounded and based on other things happening in my life, not based on anything worth considering here. Please ignore what i said and listen to him as he will educate regards to wasps and the sensible control of them. Having...
  4. merylvingien

    hornet trap supplied by Fera

    Hi Carol, i do have some concerns that your business conflicts with your posts here. Dont get me wrong, up until last year i was promoting and selling your wasp traps, however it would seem that the market wont accept your prices. Anyway, despite that, i have noticed an agressive although fact...
  5. merylvingien

    aggressive colony carbon dioxide?

    Soapy water is the fastest way of killing bees that i have ever seen. Its an instant knock down. And when dealing with a large, highly aggresive colony i would reccomend a back pack sprayer and plenty of padding. In the USA where they have africanised bees, this is the standard approach to...
  6. merylvingien

    Wax moth

    It would take an age for them to consume the amount of wax that is up this chimney. I was just unsure as to the size that they could get through.
  7. merylvingien

    Wax moth

    Does anyone know what size "hole" "crevis" "gap" a wax moth can get through? Ive got a customer which has had a chimney proofed with wire mesh but still has a load of comb up there, virtually impossible to remove. Bees are long gone, but she is having maggot type larvae falling down the chimney...
  8. merylvingien


    Waspinator = yet another rip off Done loads of twin and triple nests last summer, the record still stands at 16 nests on one house. Perhaps the owner should have a bought a waspinator? Give me a break :rolleyes:
  9. merylvingien

    Could there be too many beekeepers?

    I find it strange that you would embarrass people into buying your product! Personaly i would rather have people asking me to supply a unique product of limited supply that i could charge a reasonable amount for it.
  10. merylvingien

    Swarm Collectors List

    Yep, the rules are the rules, so i wont post a link here, but as previous people have mentioned its very easy to find, just google bee swarm collectors uk or something similar. I dont charge for a listing as a swarm collector as the site is run in a different way, predominantly for pest...
  11. merylvingien

    "Cheap fuel"

    Our local tesco is doing a deal like this, but only offering 10 pence a litre off, every little helps LOL
  12. merylvingien

    Swarm Collectors List

    With regards to the honey bee swarm collectors list UK which you can find on google. It is a page dedicated to swarm collectors and NOT wasp controllers. The reason this page was added was due to the amount of calls that pest controllers get for bee swarms, which most are not geared up to deal...
  13. merylvingien


    Ok the fire service do a job that is dangerous and grim at times, but they are pretty well paid for it. The police on the other hand, cmon!!! I suppose next you will be saying that dustmen should get an annual pay rise above inflation. FFS
  14. merylvingien


    Well i am pretty naive and simple! I just dont get it. Public sector workers are no different from anyone else apart from nurses/doctors/surgeons and also soldiers. I think the above should be rewarded handsomely for thier efforts. I also think that soldiers sent to war on the whim of some crap...
  15. merylvingien


    ! Just flicked through breifly and read a few of the whiners and whingers who want everything handed to them on a plate, then go on to complain about the top end earners getting everything. What utter whinging drivel... Fact is, you get better than average pensions anyway, yet still want...
  16. merylvingien

    Naughty naughty girls...

    Oooooohhh Maitron :D
  17. merylvingien

    Hornet Identification

    European hornet definatley!!! No need for autopsies or dental examinations...
  18. merylvingien

    Wasp Bane traps

    From observations when treating nests, I would conclude that wasps navigate primarily using their sight, as they regularly miss the target. I have even been called to houses where the owners think they have a nest, but the nest is actually next door and the wasps are making a mistake. Normally...
  19. merylvingien

    Wasp Bane traps

    Hi Karol, we met at the beginning of the year and a most interesting day it was too. I do have some points about the killing of wasp nests that I would like to mention though. As a pest controller, I kill many hundreds of nests each year, this year being particularly busy, over 600 nests...
  20. merylvingien

    Wasp Bane traps

    No! If i am wrong, i will eat my own boots :D