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  1. BeeNice

    selling up

    Does you local assciation have an apiary you can put them in for now. You will need to cold call on the local farmers, land owners, etc even large houses, anywhere that has a little bit of land that you can use. Keep at it. And very good luck. steven
  2. BeeNice

    Prompt swarm advice sought for new keeper.

    Well done, it's amazing how well QC's can be hidden. regards Steven
  3. BeeNice

    Does lots of drones mean agressive hive

    You will need to see whether your queen is still around, hives like this are sometimes queenless. You should off got rid of drone cells in the super as they can't get through the QE and they would just eat stores that the colony need. Get well suited or 2 suited, hold you breath and just go into...
  4. BeeNice

    Prompt swarm advice sought for new keeper.

    Your hive will want to swarm whenever it believes it is strong enough to do so and for both parts to survive, the art of a good beekeeper is to control this need to swarm in order that you keep both halves Sorry Erico, but bees will continue to swarm until the hive cannot survive, if there are...
  5. BeeNice

    Prompt swarm advice sought for new keeper.

    have you checked for Queen cells and would you know one? I don't usually do the agree thing, but that is the first thing you should do to indicate what the bees are up to. Sealed or open queen cell are what you are looking for. When you have done that you can decide on your next step. Cheers Steven
  6. BeeNice

    Hive from hell - suggestions please...

    Combine! good luck, it makes you a better beekeeper having horrid bees, but will calm down after the combination. Don't buy a virgin, always a mated queen, the virgin does not have a good chance of mating this year. Steven
  7. BeeNice

    How are the professional beekeeper doing?

    Like everyone else, this year has been very difficult with the weather as it is and is continuing to be bad. I have heard horrid stories about lack of honey stores, I lost out on a spring crop, and if the bees can come out for the Lime then I should get something. But, how are the professional...
  8. BeeNice

    Is this brood frame OK?

    Wax moth are a useful tool in the wild by clearing out old used wax from old bee nests, they tend to go for old comb and not new comb. You can look up the life of a wax moth on the net which may help with your worries about them. I've never had any trouble with them. Relax. regards Steven
  9. BeeNice

    Forum T Shirts?

    What about 'I print T-Shirts for a living!'. Thanks for all the ideas, they may be coming to a website near you soon. ;-) Steven
  10. BeeNice

    How can I tell if this is supercedure?

    If you have a sealed Queen cells, the bees would have swarmed (twice), if your prime swarm that you got still has the old queen she may be going past her best, still laying but needing to be replaced. Talking about clipped queens goes off the main point that you don't want to lose your bees. Why...
  11. BeeNice

    Bees in the grass

    As others that come on will say, you need to supply much more info, it seems that it may be a swarm as I had one similar last month and put the in a nuc box (doing okay thanks). When did you last inspect, where there any queen cell give more facts and help should come your way. Steven
  12. BeeNice

    Queen problem

    Have a careful look at the eggs in the cells if you have them, more that one egg, laid on the side of the cell, points to a laying worker or two. Make sure you come to the correct answer before you go any further. Read a book or two about laying workers or drone laying queen you will need to...
  13. BeeNice

    Good news and bad news

    Been there... you can give them the best place in the world and they still go, had it with my first swarm I hived. Good luck next time. Steven
  14. BeeNice

    ?another way to help find queen

    Don't know about your Queen, but OUR queen with hang on as long as possible (Poor charlie!!) Steven
  15. BeeNice

    Smoking a swarm

    i never use smoke, though i have seen it done to move them up....and they absconded within an hour I had a swarm last week that had been in place for 4 wet days, without smoke got them into a skep, transfered to a 6 frame nuc box, next day all outside again in the rain. With another nuc box...
  16. BeeNice

    Smoking a swarm

    May work to move them up and often does not. Does work, just to get them moving, but only in certain situations. As I said an aid if needed, each swarm is in a different state ie. newly settlered, been in place awhile, been in place for days. You have to judge it as you find it. cheers Steven
  17. BeeNice

    Smoking a swarm

    I only smoke a bees if they need to be driven up into a collecting box, from a difficult place where the collecting box needs to be above. But just enough to start them moving, like driving cattle. I sometimes use it to clear groups setting up in a cluster where I took the swarm from. Its an aid...
  18. BeeNice

    Great Tit

    No, it's behind your back robbery... ho well all part of the fun of beekeeping can't wait til the hive beetles and the asian wasps appear! regards Steven
  19. BeeNice

    Great Tit

    The biggest problem I have is not Tits but Swifts, they can take a returning queen on the wing and I have lots of them in the barn next to my hives. Fingers cross that none are taken this year. S
  20. BeeNice

    Queen Matings

    Also plenty of drones around this area, lots have been produced in my hives. Steven