None here yet they have arrived on the 13 of April here for the past 15 years, was talking to a twitcher yesterday she was saying there are loads of sightings further south.
Hi,does anyone know where I could buy a copy of this book in english?
The Instrumental Insemination of the Queen Bee.Moritz, R. F. A., Ed. (1989).I can only get it in german even a pdf copy would be good.
"AND before you lot lash out at me for being an Amm man.. I also keep Carniolian and New Zealand ( lingusta) bees. But try to keep their genes well apart!"
I for one certainly will not be lashing out at you or anyone else for keeping there preferred strain of bee.But could you please expand on...
Totally agree Pbee.The Buckfast bee is back on these islands and the people who breed and keep them generally have experimented with other bees including the "native bee" and have found the Buckfast superior.The proper breeding material and queens can be obtained through people like Hivemaker...
Admin.I don't do a lot of posting on this site but read it every day learned a lot made some good friends through it and am glad to donate. Is there a problem with processing smaller donations?I have often trolled through the site and gotten ideas and thought that if there was a button so I...
Rab have you just started the Ramipril?Been on it a long time and take a lot more heart drugs I have found over time that sting reactions which started when I was first on tablets have settled down but it took a long while.
Egg eating
Beehive do you feed ground sea shells or old hen eggs shells baked and crushed? Never had another egg eater in nearly twenty years since I did this.
I ment the heavy plastic sheet type as in builders plastic do many use it and is there any reason not to.
Finman "Nice to watch when actually you see nothing".Is this a Koan?
Good advice from rooftops get the sensitivity test done in controlled conditions before you start bees.I have atrial fibrillation and dilated cardiomyopathy and take a lot of drugs.I have kept bees for twenty years and before this happened had virtually no reaction to bees stings.First year on...