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  1. D

    wanted - £25k to breed black bees

    "" "Would you buy a used car from this man?" Complete to--er.
  2. D

    Instrumental Insemination price please

    "Are you making Ruby sting hooks?" No but I can make them.The hole for the ordinary sting hook is grand at 0.20 mm make your pop mark with a darning needle or denim needle for a sowing machine and use a drill with a 4mm stem trying to drill with a 0.20 mm stem is really tricky. The reason for...
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    Instrumental Insemination price please

    icanhopit thank you for the reply been working on making II stuff for a couple of years good to know there are other people making their own.When I looked at making it originally two things struck me straight away two to three hundred pounds for cold light wasn't happening for me so came up with...
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    Instrumental Insemination price please

    icanhopit would it be possible to give a break down of what you payed for your II equipment?
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    A downdraught OA vapouriser

    Figure3 is for screwing out valve fig1 at underside of vaporizer.
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    A downdraught OA vapouriser

    Gist of text, if holes become blocked try to clear with pin or unscrew and clean with water.
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    A downdraught OA vapouriser

    Little John great setup I would also like to have an arrangement for vaporizing through the feed hole.Was wondering if you'd seen this
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    Brother Adams

    Historically interesting One supposes? Wonderful chap, one wishes that one could have met him. A cornerstone of Beekeeping in the 20th Century. Would be intrigued to know if you had the capability to elucidate on any one these statements?
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    Buckfast on commercial.

    DanBee you mean you keep yours on double commercial so you don't agree with Itma when he says "Double-Commercial brood is superbee territory. // or fantasy land" could you tell a bit more how you get on with the double brood?
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    Buckfast on commercial.

    Only keep Buckfast now no black bees thats why I posted hoping to find people keeping Buckfast on commercial who may have encountered what I have found having to change out so many pollen store frames and replace them with comb to give the queen room to lay.
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    Buckfast on commercial.

    Rab have been using commercial for over twenty years more than adequate for the black bees and as you say if only used for brooding grand for the buckfast.I'm finding that I have to take out a lot of brood frames of stores mainly pollen and freeze them and replace them with empty combs on a very...
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    Buckfast on commercial.

    Hi,was wondering if many on here use commercial hives to keep the buckfast type of bee, having prolific queens how do they find managing them on single brood boxes?
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    Worth a watch if your thinking of grafting for the first time.
  14. D

    oxalic - best before

    "get some crystals add to demineralized water and leave out sugar till wanted, we have some oxalic in demin in sample bottles in the lab that's six years old still good." Could you tell me how you test that it is still good?In crystal form stored in a glass jar and for use in vaporizer would you...
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    Yes I've been reading up the oxalic sublimates at 157c. At 189° C the oxalic acid which has not yet sublimed decomposes to formic acid and carbon monoxide I'm I right in thinking you ideally you wouldn't want this and a constant temperature of 157c would be better.hallshoney I sent you a pm.
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    Hi,hallshoney thank you for that info.
  17. D


    Thank you both for quick replies.Arfermo I think that you are talking about the Varrox type vaporizer.
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    Hello was wondering if anyone who uses a Sublimox vaporizer could tell me what the working temperature is inside the bowl and have checked it with a thermometer.
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    Aye and as the ol navy men say one swallow doesn't mean you're gay
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    If it was near me I'd have got it, Nortan has a great tip on here soak wax frames in bleach and spin in extractor to throw out crap.