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  1. Rosti

    Mass Supercedure or Dodgy Pen

    If it's a Posco pen then a few have reported problems with the longevity of the white marker from last year. May have worn off, the couple I marked certainly did. R
  2. Rosti

    Bees for free - Yorkshire

    Seems that I've been messed about, offer now open again!
  3. Rosti

    oil seed rape

    Depends how far it is from current location. If > 3 miles when ever you like. I have moved hives in feb before now. If <3miles then deff during the cold spell - less flyers to worry about and more likelihood of a quick re-orienation to the new location due to lower flight activity / distance.
  4. Rosti

    Feeding and weather changes

    You are where you are of course! I have been forced to super two 14x12 colonies this week, I am not comfortable with it though and am replacing my space board fleeces today. If they have only drawn out the frames and the queen has laid them up but the eggs have not been developed, I would be...
  5. Rosti

    Feeding after a shook swarm - one2one or two2one?

    :iagree: Yep, thats where my head is as well. I am putting the space board blocks back on all of mine, no option but to super 2 colonies this week, the others are without and I'll hold out as long as I can. Better to keep the bees and loose the OSR (which is at about 15% bloom around here)
  6. Rosti

    Feeding and weather changes

    I think you need to explain why you are double brood boxing rather than supering and why now. You are right, that is a big space to keep warm, you are pushing your bees very hard, very early. What are your intentions? If you are simply looking for increase then I would suggest patience, you...
  7. Rosti

    neonicotinoids and osr

    For many the point is mute. If you have OSR with 2 miles or so then the bees will decide not the keeper .........
  8. Rosti

    catching a swarm

    Skepticism - didn't they use to use those to catch swarms in? and I believe that lemongrass is the prefered supplementary swarm attractant for bait hives these days. :reddevil:
  9. Rosti

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Too right, I am off for a weeks sun next Thursday. I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that I am going to have to super and try and off set heat loss by putting my winter insultaion boards back on top the supers - doesn't help with the space thay have to keep warm of course - strange season...
  10. Rosti

    What time to inspect

    All of the above are right IMO, I think Heather, Ben and o90o sum it up because there is an ideal and a must do element. The other consideration is why are you opening up? Example: at 19:00 last night (16'C) I quickly opened up 2 colonies and removed queens to allow them to stand the best part...
  11. Rosti

    Close to home?

    I use an area at the side of the house for short term swarm / newly housed colonies / bait hiving / nucs, there is normally some sort of activity there. Perhaps 10m from back door and 2m from whirly gig washing line. Also over wintered 3 colonies there this year. On a couple of occassions have...
  12. Rosti

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Moved 4x drawn supers to apiary, currently not in use, colony strength not there yet, storing above crown boards. Winter quilts removed today as well. Despatched Queens from two colonies ready for combination with recipient colonies tomorrow. I will then be at my target 4 strong colonies for the...
  13. Rosti

    14x12 helping out a national?

    If this is a genuine donation between hives and it is that critical then surley you simply cut the bottom of the 14x12 frame off and use a bit of wire to support if necessary. Bingo, fits a std national.
  14. Rosti

    Cutting floor mesh to fit

    OMF floor mesh cuts well if you: Stick duck tape on each side draw a line on where you wantto cut, ideally lining up with the mesh Jigsaw on highest speed and you use with a metal cutting blade inserted G clamp mesh to a work mate, support both sides (incl the waste side) Job done. No need to...
  15. Rosti

    Solar Extractor

    Planning to build one this year, wont be processing loads of frames. Any design tips and nice to haves from those that have already built / used one appreciated. What is a good general purpose size? What to use as the main tray - old roasting tin? Tx R
  16. Rosti

    Bees for free - Yorkshire

    Offer has been taken up. Good luck with getting started. If circumstances change I will post an update. Regards R :seeya:
  17. Rosti


    Probably queens out from hybernation?
  18. Rosti


    You are right about the threat to your supers, that can be managed but as for flavour? It is different rather than worse and (certainly here) slightly more intense than mixed blossom. A thick honey for toast is about personal preference. I sell from the door; I usually take a predominantly 'OSR'...
  19. Rosti

    What to do with this super?

    Stacking below the brood chamber runs the risk that they'll re-stock as quick as the empty. You could apply a variant on demaree (yes I know there is no brood involved!). Whether you'd get away with it right now given night temperatures (since you'll vastly increase the size of the hive to keep...
  20. Rosti

    Changing from cold to warm way

    :iagree: Always lift with a straight back ;)