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  1. burren


    Hi welcome Whereabouts in Ireland?
  2. burren

    supercedure, but eggs.

    inspection 22nd May ( national hive 1 brood box)- q seen(marked 2011), 4 frames of brood, eggs/larvae/sb- brood pattern very good. inspection 4th June +13 days (was delayed due to weather conditions) 4 frames of brood,eggs/larvae/sb. 4 supercedure cells. 3 closed, one open and empty with...
  3. burren

    gone brood and half

    What were they like at the last inspection. Gone, what all gone? And no sign ever of charged queen cells?
  4. burren

    problem-no brood and honey blocked

    yep thats what I have done. super on, test frame in and 2 drawn out frames. But my question is why when they had 4 frames of brood and enough stores and still space, that they didnt try to superse if she was not quite right. You see the weather was nt great then( has only been sunny here for a...
  5. burren

    problem-no brood and honey blocked

    thanks for the replies. I have also just added a frame of bias from another hive as eggs last seen on 11th may when she was on 4.5 frames on brood and when inspecting on 22nd done to patchy sealed brood no eggs/no larvae but enough stores and plenty of room. Queen has been since at every...
  6. burren

    problem-no brood and honey blocked

    this will be her second year, she was going to go at the end of the summer. Have given them 2 frames of draw in the centre of brood box yesterday, and today will go and put a super on now. Funny thing is before this flow I was not ready to super on only 4 frames of brood. Cant see any reason...
  7. burren

    problem-no brood and honey blocked

    no I dont think, no brood, just mostly uncapped stores, they had space for brood before they just filled it. I have to give her more room NOW, but i wonder if she will lay even with more room. They seem to think she is ok.
  8. burren

    problem-no brood and honey blocked

    2nd may- 4 1/2 frames of brood, stores on 4 frames- drone cells capped/lots of pollen coming in 11th may- 4 1/2 frames of brood, eggs seen. 22nd may (delayed inspection) q seen, 4 patchy sealed brood, no eggs, no larvae, had pollen and stores. thought she might be off lay, gave pint or so of...
  9. burren

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    managed to check all, had to run and dash to fit inspections in with the very changeable weather, from one extreme to another, all doing ok,BIAS, building up slowly. Planning for increases if all stays ok. supers are ready and waiting for the off! finger crossed;)
  10. burren

    Need a bit of advise please... Casts

    Now that would be interesting to know!:)
  11. burren

    Today's Inspection

    :willy_nilly:Hurry up and order your frames - TODAY!
  12. burren

    honey house plans

    Hi beesandsheep plans on hold at the mo as I received a very very expensive quote for a basic block structure. You seem to have looked in to it more than I have as I was just thinking about getting a suitable external structure up. And then worry about the internal specs! It was the right...
  13. burren

    list of first stings 2012

    :laughing-smiley-004:laughing-smiley-004Just one to the marigold last week - lucky or what!
  14. burren

    My first hive

    yes I would agree with all the above. Good luck.
  15. burren

    swarm or supersedure cells

    ok, presumed supersedure? (year old queen) no noticeable decline in bee population.
  16. burren

    swarm or supersedure cells

    so far, supercedure=3 / emergency=1 / half/half=1 / sealed queen cells=1
  17. burren

    swarm or supersedure cells

    thats a good one "swarmycedure" mbc. Thats def a new term.not worthy;);)
  18. burren

    swarm or supersedure cells

    14th june. prev 2 inspections a couple of empty play cups. The position of them doesnt always give a definative answer to what they might be, does it?
  19. burren

    swarm or supersedure cells

    Last years pic. (hope this attaches) What do you think?:rolleyes:
  20. burren

    Wear White Only

    wore a dark brown one year before last and now off white one, couldnt see any difference in the reception from the bees.