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  1. C


    They will be toughened up before they go , think marine cadets.
  2. C


    From what I've read Winchester is more focused on academia rather than social status,of course I could be ,and probably am wrong. I'd rather give the young one a shot at the title, I didnt get the opportunity, it was the merchant navy school of being worked to death whilst surviving on rice and...
  3. C


    How so? Better facilities for sports and recreation ?
  4. C


    To be fair though most standard schools are like that these days , I was hoping that Winchester would put emphasis on manners , that being their motto.
  5. C


    Who put 20 pence in you? 😂 I was referring to the schools there, if anyone had attended. I was just looking for perhaps someones experiences, the good and the bad.
  6. C


    Which one?
  7. C


    Anyone on here been to Eton,Harrow or Winchester?
  8. C

    Swarm from Colony of a May emerged Queen?

    Would running an unlimited brood nest help ?
  9. C

    Swarming question

    Tip top answer ,many thanks
  10. C

    Transferring Bees into a Warre

    I moved a national to a langstroth nuc hive earlier this year, get a sheet of ply ,cut a hole in it, waterproof it ,I.e paint and stick a warre box above with roof etc, once queen is in there simply stick an excluder on , wait for bottom box to hatch out , then remove the bottom box .
  11. C

    sugar price

    BOE think transitionary due to supply chain squeeze ,let’s see , I’m waiting for Jan to see what year lies ahead
  12. C

    sugar price

    Ok let’s say then the pound hasn’t devalued , however you have to admit inflation, you can’t just print money out of thin air and hope to pay the same amount for imported goods.
  13. C

    sugar price

    Except both of these are engaged in QE also
  14. C

    sugar price

    Or more likely the devaluation of the pound due to massive quantitative easing causing high inflation on raw goods.
  15. C

    Swarming question

    A question to which I think I may already know the answer.If a colony you own swarms and you manage to catch it in a swarm trap. Providing you don't want any more colonies , is it possible to squish the swarm queen and re-unite the swarm with the parent colony with newspaper method, obviously...
  16. C


    They get turned on by the sight of a cold cider mind 😉
  17. C


    or that , trouble free medium rare steak wins hands down though 😄
  18. C


    But they sting children and bug you at barbacues , I guess not everyone thinks like a beekeeper
  19. C


    Seen the odd one , but then my neighbours all got together and went on the war path exterminating nests last year thus so far ,its been quiet.