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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. D

    first inspection what a mess

    yes the queen was marked red so I was gonna have to change anyway,fingers crossed the new queen be mated,cheers
  2. D

    first inspection what a mess

    Its not the second hive that I'm concerned about really,it has a lot of brood in all stages,its the first one with the new queen.
  3. D

    first inspection what a mess

    yes she is,we found her in the brood box
  4. D

    first inspection what a mess

    did my first inspections today,in the first hive,there wasn't a lot of brood and it was patchy,there were eggs,but there were a few sealed poor quality queen cells and open queen cell that looked a better one,I did eventually find the new queen but not the old,there were plenty of bees and 8...
  5. D

    Queen Wasp.

    I just built a beebox,so hoping they like it
  6. D

    How to sell bees. Please help

    other members of my assosiation usually seel for about £110 ish but only to other members,just looking in the BBKA news a company selling 2011 6 frame nucs for £170 including beepod.
  7. D

    How to sell bees. Please help

    how much should we ask for a 5 frame nuc?I've seen some companies selling them for £175
  8. D

    can I put the queen excluder on?

    thats a good point,I'll keep you posted.
  9. D

    can I put the queen excluder on?

    tommorow is going to be warm enough for my first inspection,will it be ok to move the queen back into the brood box(if she's in the super) and put the queen excluder back on?,is there still a chance the temperature could still drop low enough to make them cluster again?
  10. D

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I painted the outside of the apiary fence,the temperature dropped to 6 degrees but I could still see the bees flying over my head.
  11. D

    Hive Inspection

    The only chance I get to inspect is friday early evening or the weekend(guess what ?)the temperature is set to fall again come friday,bloody marvelous isn't it?
  12. D

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I took the mouse guards off again,gonna put em back on later
  13. D

    Bees were loving this Plum tree today

    the trees in my garden have buds yet.
  14. D

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I fed some more fondant in both my hives.
  15. D

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    the bees in my hives were really busy so I removed the mouse guards,also I made a new roof for one of my hives, with some roof metal from pa**es,I have put the mouse guards back on now.
  16. D

    Bees bringing pollen today ,photo for Kazmcc

    my bees were really busy today,with little yellow pollen balls on their legs,I just stood watching for about 10 minutes,
  17. D

    is beekeeping an old mans game?

    my daughter is always there to help,she is very keen and has her own beesuit,she's 11 years old.
  18. D

    other hobbies

    other hobbies besides bee keeping I'm also a keen angler,what other hobbies do you have?
  19. D

    other interest

    other hobbies besides bee keeping I'm also a keen angler,what other hobbies do you have?
  20. D

    Wonder what they're doing now?

    18 mm of snow when I got up this morning