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    Deaths head hawk moth.

    jeez! if I saw one of those,I would have a fit.
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    Marine plywood.

    I have 2 brood boxes made from marine ply,marine ply is a lot heavier than normal ply.
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    apiguard it too late now?

    and heat rises to the top of the hive,which where the apigard tray is.
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    Varroa count during Apiguard treatment - any significance?

    How on earth did you manage to count 5981 mites so accurately?
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    Varroa count during Apiguard treatment - any significance?

    it is wrote on the outside of the box yes,but when I bought them individually last year the supplier (p***es)put in a note explaining how to use it.
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    Little pink spiders

    pollen mites?
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    apigard with supers on?

    I need to leave a super on while I do my apigard treatment but do I put the eke on top of the brood box (under the super),or on top of the super,I think I need to leave the super on because there is a lot of bees and not enough food in the brood box.
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    What are these items?

    how on earth did you read that?all I can see is a blurr
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    I hope not,that would be down right rude.
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    thank you,I will let him know,he has given me some but I will chuck mine the bin.
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    its a friend who asked,he is leaving a full super of honey on each hive so he is only using enough sugar syrup to do nosevit treatment,he is treating is hives with apilife var (I think he said).what is the KISS option?
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    Is it ok to treat for nosema with nozevit as a precaution?or should we find out if the bees have nosema before treating?
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    Chalk Brood and Sac Brood

    How effective is thymol against chalkbrood?some thymol based products claim its effctive against chalkbrood and acarine.
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    clearing supers

    If you read my post properly,you will see it was a mistake i made,and I appologised.
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    clearing bees from the supers.

    It is a large colony,I wish I had the same problem,I only have 2 supers full.
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    clearing bees from the supers.

    A friend has got 4 supers of capped honey on his hive,he wants to extract honey from 3 of them,should he clear them 1 at a time or put the clearer board at the bottom of the 3?
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    clearing supers

    A friend wants clear 3 of the 4 supers on his hive,should he clear all 3 at the same time or 1 at a time? sorry just realised I put this post in the wrong category.
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    Wasps, wasps, wasps - what to do

    put some lager in them
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    One that I'm pleased with....!

    Are your bees working from CAD drawings?
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    Something to make you smile

    Are they black bees?