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  1. Levitt53

    Chalk Brood problem growing

    It's a bit of an experiment. I have a split I could unite them with in a few weeks so I'm giving them a chance.
  2. Levitt53

    queen laying multiple eggs question

    I find it's a bit like the mantra of turn it off and on again with tech stuff. Leave it a week and look again in most situations (not queen cells obviously). Lots of things sort themselves out or at least the situation becomes more obvious.
  3. Levitt53

    Chalk Brood problem growing

    I'm having a bad year so am trying to save a colony with chalkbrood as I don't have a queen to requeen with at the moment. I've shook swarmed them into a nuc and fed them lots and hoping they have recovered. The chalkbrook seems to be under control but lots of old bees still dying so hopefully...
  4. Levitt53


    I printed my own granulation labels because all the bought ones mention a microwave. I just said to warm it but don't over heat it - I'll leave customers to decide what that means. I have an AGA so just leave my granulated honey on that for a few hours and it warms through lovely.
  5. Levitt53

    Honey analysis

    Can someone post the link please. I keep meaning to do this so I'll check what it happening at the moment and bookmark the site for hopefully later in the season. Thanks.
  6. Levitt53

    Laying worker - is there any hope?

    Hmm yes I see your point. I'm having a bit of a pants year at the moment so trying to save everything I can. There are enough bees in there so I was hoping that as the laying worker(s) had only just started then maybe the bees would still raise a QC from the frame I gave them. I guess I'll...
  7. Levitt53

    Laying worker - is there any hope?

    I had a colony who was feisty and my intention was to requeen this year. I hadn't seen the Q since the middle of April and there brood was dwindling although there were still quite a lot of bees in there. I put a test frame in there on 24th April but they didn't draw any QCs and I have seen no...
  8. Levitt53

    to take notes, or not

    I've transferred my notes on to my computer this year and am finding that so much easier to work with. When I'm inspecting the bees I just make notes on a piece of paper in a clip board of how much BIAS there was last time and anything else relevant plus a note of what I want to do based on my...
  9. Levitt53

    First time Snelgrove attempt & inspection query ???

    I've done plenty of Snelgrove splits too. I find it's a great method. You should have left the top box with enough food so personally I would just leave them to do their thing. It's part of the method to bleed off a lot of the forages but I tend to move the top box onto it's new location when...
  10. Levitt53

    First year of bee-keeping, we have just had a swarm...

    Much easier to find a marked queen as people have said. But I found that once I'd found one once I had the confidence to find her if necessary and normally do fairly easily. If you do need to find her (and you don't always need to) then I take all the non brood frames out and space the others...
  11. Levitt53

    Good quality frames

    I bought some once that were very well made but not quite cut right and because they were such good quality they were a nightmare to manipulate. I actually like worse quality as they are easy to piece together. I had one side bit the other day that was very bowed but putting it on my aga...
  12. Levitt53

    Methods for transferring a queen out of an apidea

    Thanks, yes I think I was overthinking this all. It's obvious when someone points it out.
  13. Levitt53

    Methods for transferring a queen out of an apidea

    That sounds like a great idea. I need to see if the frames will move but maybe I can do something similar with the bottom if they do. Thanks.
  14. Levitt53

    Methods for transferring a queen out of an apidea

    Thanks, yes I will practice with the queen I am culling. Something else to put on the list to learn.
  15. Levitt53

    Methods for transferring a queen out of an apidea

    Hi, One of my learning objectives this year is queen rearing and I have got an apidea. I understand how to fill it, add the QC etc and have worked out my method. What I am unsure of is how I will get the queen from there into a queenless hive. I have a snelgrove board so am thinking I could...
  16. Levitt53

    Swarming season

    A house in our village had 4 last year. I picked up the middle two. The last one was too high up for me. There are beehives about 2 metres from her boundary from a neighbouring beekeeper but I don't think they were his.
  17. Levitt53

    Natural life of super frames

    We talk lots about changing brood frames but some of my super frames are starting to look a little discoloured. Do people just melt them down as a when they look at bit past their best? I'm in my 5th year now.
  18. Levitt53

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I was just in the shed making a few frames when a queen wasp flew in and squeezed herself into one of the lids I have in my stack. When she flew out later I found a small nest with wiggling larvae. It is now on the lawn and I am in the kitchen having a cup of tea keeping my head down.
  19. Levitt53

    Public footpaths

    There is a hive about 6 feet away from the edge of a busy path in Wicken Fen a National Trust place near us. I'm always amazed that someone put it so close. I always stop and watch them. I've never seen it inspected, always has two supers and the bees don't seem aggressive at all. It's a...
  20. Levitt53

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Retrieved my hive tool which I had left under the QE on my biggest hive. They also lost their roof because I hadn't strapped them down. There was insulation over the holes in the crown board but I think they were a little bit damp. My largest colony though they were ok but another couple of...