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  1. S

    prep for 2014 OSR

    Amen to that, brother. :hairpull: Colonies built up early will be up for swarming early. .
  2. S

    A little bit of magic ...

    I've got to try that! Anyone got any idea how weather proof the finish would be? (I'm thinking chrome bumpers here...) .
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    Thinking is a dangerous thing....

    You forgot the tap, and the sign saying 'Stop me and buy some honey'. .
  4. S

    Low Pollen Stores

    When I last looked a week ago, a minority of my hives had brood, and there was very little pollen in most hives. I'd put it down to a sudden stop in the nectar flow, but it may well have been down to lack of pollen. Still, the ivy is opening now, so they should fill their boots on that. .
  5. S

    Solitary Bee colony?

    I thought that at first, but too late in the season.
  6. S

    A touch of insulation

    You want to suggest that to ITLD, I'm sure he'd find it useful :) .
  7. S

    Need a queen! HELP!

    Including location.
  8. S

    Solitary Bee colony?

    I think you've rather missed my point. I thought it was accountants who knew the price of everything and the value of nothing. WHAT is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare?— No time to stand beneath the boughs, And stare as long as sheep and cows: No time to see...
  9. S

    Solitary Bee colony?

    Since ivy comes right at the end of their season I think it unlikely that that's all they visit- and is their profitability really the only thing that matters? .
  10. S

    Solitary Bee colony?

    This is the first report I've heard of anyone being stung by one- they are not at all aggressive. My guess would be that one bumped into him, got tangled in his hair and panicked. Would it be possible to put a bit of windbreak material/scaffold netting on a couple of posts between the nests...
  11. S

    Steamed Honey - strange behaviour?

    I would assume bees from different hives fighting over the honey. I would suggest doing whatever you can to get rid of the residue as you could lose a lot of bees that way. .
  12. S

    Thymol treatment- have I had a good idea?

    My thinking was to trickle it onto the top bars, and that it would soak into the wood which would thereby act as the pad- rather than just slosh it about. The general opinion seems to be that it wouldn't be a good idea- perhaps I'll keep my thinking inside the box in future. .
  13. S

    Thymol treatment- have I had a good idea?

    This is regarding Hivemakers thymol treatment for varroa. The thread started with using the mixture on oasis. The majority view then moved to using it on kitchen paper, with a minority faction favouring teabags. What would be the down sides of trickling it direct onto the top bars? It could...
  14. S

    Pxxxxs poly hive coverboard & winter

    Agreed, also too floppy to frame as it will sag in the middle. I've never known as much propolis as using one of these, and the same goes for the excluders. Proper framed item being used to replace both. .
  15. S

    Ivy nectar

    I think the idea about ivy honey becoming inedible comes from people opening hives to find starved bees and hard stores and jumping to conclusions, when what they're actually seeing is isolation starvation. PS I would fill the spave behing the dummy board(s) with kingspan too, or the warm air...
  16. S

    Thymolated Syrup

    Smilies not working- have to resort to LOL! .
  17. S

    Thymolated Syrup

    Originally posted by Pargyle But... reading back over some old posts (outside of this thread) I found people who appeared to be suggesting that feeding syrup over the whole winter was possible with thymolated syrup .... in order to keep the syrup from going mouldy and keep the bees free from...
  18. S

    Thymolated Syrup

    There certainly is! Your bees are about as likely to be free of nosema as they are to be free of varroa, or a large comprehensive school to be free of the common cold. The danger is when nosema reaches epidemic proportions, which is most likely to occur in winter if there are long periods when...
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    my first varroa count.

    I always oil my boards, a good thick coating of cooking oil. Sticks the mites in place, and trips up the ants and earwigs. .
  20. S

    Apiguard - Larvae been expelled from hive

    Ditto- except a couple I had were left with no sealed brood, so I whipped the thymol off and treated with OA- never waste an opportunity of a broodless hive. They pulled back fine, and the varroa numbers have taken a long time to build back. .