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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. S

    We got pigs again!

    Speaking as an ex-smallholder, now vegetarian, I could never understand the farmers who always eat meat, but wouldn't buy any just after they'd sent beasts to slaughter in case they got their own back- quite a common phenomenon. To my mind, you either believe in killing animals for meat, or you...
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    WBC Porch - drip on top?

    If you look at the pic of the one in question, it has the bit you're talking about, then a sort of carport over the top which is what is being discussed here.
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    WBC Porch - drip on top?

    Is the back of the porch square? I'm assuming it's angled to counteract the angle of the lift, therefore if you turn it over it will leave a gap or run back towards the hive. I would make sure it has a reasonable fall to the front.
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    WBC Porch - drip on top?

    There is a logic to this. On a windowsill the drips can fall from the edge- in a beehive porch there would be an advantage to this not happening, so it's not dripping on bees enterering (or indeed leaving, if it is light rain). I suspect it's intended to act as a gutter, though not a very good...
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    Rock hard honey

    It's because you're new, you have to have 3000 posts before you can access videos. :) I cant wait!
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    Beliefs of Forum Members...

    Darwin believed that the honeycomb came into the same category as structures like the eye, which people held up as things that must have been created, because they couldn't understand how they could have have evolved. However he gathered what evidence he could to work out the method and got...
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    Beliefs of Forum Members...

    Oh boy, this should be good. How, exactly? .
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    Beliefs of Forum Members...

    Communism is as old as mankind, it's how isolated tribes in south america live. Capitalism had to be invented when people started coming across other people who weren't immediate family, and started trading between groups. It's hard to say how old religion is, but monotheism is only around...
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    Beliefs of Forum Members...

    It's a rather extreme way to get converts though! .
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    Beliefs of Forum Members...

    With all the evil in the world, interesting you should pick out vegetarianism for special attention. Yes of course humans evolved as omnivores, no-one disputes that. The point is that we now have the capacity to make a moral choice as to whether or not we kill animals for food. Why is it...
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    Happy Thanksgiving

    And a happy Hannukah to anyone that wants one! .
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    Bees ignoring the rule book!

    The first rule of bee club is, there are no rules. .
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    Stratiolaelaps scimitus

    I think you're hoping there, it's probably not a conspiracy. The fact is that biological control is neither simple nor straightforward. There is a headstart with this one in that the predator is already cleared for release in the uk, but that still leaves a lot of hurdles. Firstly, this is a...
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    Helmet camera

    Some of my sons reiends use gopro, which are good but expensive. I was in Cotswold Outdoor yesterday, and they had a pair of sunglasses with built-in video recording for £99. Quite interesting to see one swarm collection, but I'm not sure I'd feel the need to record on a regular basis.
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    Parts for Old MG B's 70's models

    My son has a '76 midget, for which I am chief tinkerer. Parts for both models readily available and not too expensive here, and I'm pretty sure the mg market is at least as big over there going by forums BUT don't underestimate the amount of time it will want, unless you get lucky. The...
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    We keep getting told to restrict our sodium intake too- but I take that one with a pinch of salt. .
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    Secret of EFB in Britain

    So might it be possible to inoculate colonies- basically, give them pro-biotics? .
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    Poly hive devotees may find this useful?

    To quote Tom Lehrer: 'Filth, I'm glad to say, is in the mind of the beholder'. That's the joy of double entendre. :)
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    Espalier apple support posts

    Yes, godfathers labelled as 'brace arm'. I tend to use the concrete block method myself. Have to disagre with pargyle's first comment. If you set the posts in concrete the concrete may be there forever but the posts will rot at ground level. The pipes set in concrete sounds a good idea...
  20. S

    Espalier apple support posts

    You will need intermediates- I would suggest max. 3m intervals. The corner posts will need godfathers, ie diagonal supports, or every time you tension the wires you'll pull them in- the gearing is surprising. Think long-term. The trees will (hopefully) outlast the posts, so you need to be...