i use hoffman frames with plastic ends on, as i suspect we could be making smaller bees without the plastic spacing, just a thought, so i use 11 frames with a board also helps with not rolling/squashing bees that are normally on 2 sides of a frame.
i met a person who knew i was a beekeeper who explained that they suffered from arthritus until being stung on the troubled knee and it cleared up the pain. so they were happy thats all that matters i suppose.
million dollar question, at the beginning lots of time learning, especially between april and sept after that very little, so all your eggs are in one basket, all summer activities, could be the same time as keeping a dog i suppose, at least an hour a day with 2 hives. but, as i usually say, if...
one thought is that we need plenty of the right drones to mate with queens, dont destroy them all, may help with some reduction in varroa mites but at what cost to having drones for mating. the only time i destroy drones is when un-capping them to check varroa levels.
if you get desperate send me an email [email protected] and i can supply your wants, 2010 queens, buckfast strain, very good temperment, 5 frame nucs, treated late sept and jan for varrora, fed fondant last week of dec, sugar syrup early march.
i put 3 new frames of foundation in supers like this, 3 drawn at each end = 6, then 1 foundation one drawn one foundation one drawn 1 foundation, and put supers on when the bees are drawing out new comb, or brace comb.
interesting if you put plastic ends on hoffmans, just look at the difference, theres an eighth of an inch inbetween the frames. will that make any difference to the size of the bee?
my apriary neighbour complained to the district council about my bees shitting on his car, ive had 3 visits from them!!! i was quoted a court case where the same council took an injunction out against a person whose bees were supposed to have stung a neighbour. i did move them about 100 meters...
how about searching the car boots for old fire guards, many have a suitable type of mesh for hives. check skips for alloy etc, bloody typical yorkie, owt for nowt
dont know i just approached the farmer and asked if i could pull a sack full of stalks, no problem, it did work, but after a long discussion it transpired that he put a fertilizer on the field to increase the speed of growth then put something else on to stunt the stalks as there wasnt as much...
was over the moon when we found bees in some old boxes, dressed in overalls, mosquito nets and skiing gloves, the boxes, were due to be fired!! as they were in such a poor state, took what we could home to the 'shed' repaired them , they still are functioing, that was 10 years ago, wanted to...
you could give it a coat of bee friendly weather proofing or give it the usual 3 coats primer, undercoat and gloss, but thats going some, if you intend painting it, do it well before you use it otherwise the paint will smell to the bees