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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. garethbryson

    Bees are usefull

    Still makes me laugh...
  2. garethbryson

    bees at last

    I've just been told that my nuc is ready for collection. HORRAY. Finally i'll have my own bees!!!!!!!
  3. garethbryson

    How many generations of beek's in family ?

    There is no beekeepers that i can know of in my ancestry, so i guess i'm a first generation beekeper but i'd like to get my daughter involved when she's old enough( She's only 7 months old) and any kids i might have in the future... Here's hoping...
  4. garethbryson

    Make your bally minds up!

    Publicity can only be a good thing though????????????????
  5. garethbryson

    Lots of hives

    I'm not for one minute saying that these bee's have any disease or parasite but do you not think we have brought in enough undesirables by importing bees/queens etc. how do you think we got varroa?????
  6. garethbryson

    Ted Hooper

    I sold a copy on here last week. LOL I love your dark side of the moon photo, Dave gilmore is a legend...
  7. garethbryson


    If you order the feeder from thornes you wont need to order fuel for the smoker. I ordered some stuff (Including fuel for my smoker) from them earlier in the year. It arrived in a box packed with shredded cardboard to pad out the box. i now have the fuel that i ordered plus enough shredded...
  8. garethbryson

    A pleasant afternoons beekeeping.

    Sorry Heather but i just had a good laugh at your expence. especially the bit about running over the super... I'm sure you didnt find it funny..
  9. garethbryson

    Bees are usefull

    I thought so too.
  10. garethbryson

    Stop VAT on beekeeping equipment

    I dont pay VAT on my beekeeping equipment. I have a very cooperative agent that sells me lots of "essential farm building maintenance equipment" which i can claim the VAT back on. Every little helps...:cheers2:
  11. garethbryson

    Ted Hooper's Guide to bee's and honey for sale.

    I Have a brand new copy of this book for sale as my dad bought me a copy for my birthday without knowing i already had it. I'll take £5 for it if anybody is interested PM me.
  12. garethbryson

    How long does it take to become completely broodless like this?

    Its a wonder that you haven't found laying workers in the hive if you've been queenless for that length of time.
  13. garethbryson

    New Bee suit..

    Its just a normal bee suit i bought off ebay. I took it to a friend of mine that does embroidery for a living. I got the idea off a joke T shirt that said "Bomb Disposal, If you see me running try to keep up.
  14. garethbryson

    Exams all done, now bring on the bees.

    i totall agree, but i did the course during the winter when i couldnt get hands on experience. but now when i am geting experiance i understand everything i am being told so much better that i think i would have if i had not done the course.
  15. garethbryson

    New Bee suit..

    Here's some photo's of my new bee suit decorations.
  16. garethbryson

    Exams all done, now bring on the bees.

    Whats the use in having bees and having no clue as to what to do with them???
  17. garethbryson

    Wanted: Pure Carniolan & British Black Queens

    surely the pure AMM is the best suited bee for the british climate as they evolved here!!???
  18. garethbryson

    Growing blueberries

    I Planted a blueberry bush earlier in the year, it was very small but was growing well untill the bl**dy rabbits devoured it. Needless to say my trusty .22 rifle has been employed and i've had rabbit stew for my supper a few times
  19. garethbryson

    What would you plant in a fallow field

    I Have been told that poached egg plant is very good for bees,