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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. B

    Apiguard overdose?

    From the Apiguard FAQ:
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    Today's Metro

    Not sure when it was first drawn (I'm guessing it is a syndicated strip), but it was in the Metro today - as you say, if the timing is intentional, it would really suggest that either he does keep bees, or he knows someone that does.
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    Today's Metro

    It made me wonder if the cartoonist keeps bees.
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    Apiguard overdose?

    I've just heard back from Vita regarding the interaction of syrup with thymol in it and Apiguard. They cannot make recommendations either way... but said that they didn't think there would be a problem with a normal sized colony, Apiguard per instructions and thymol in syrup in preserving...
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    Single box system using supers

    We ran a BS brood and super with 14x12s in it for a while. We didn't encounter any problems, but then we don't move the hives around much.
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    Honey Company in Hounslow

    You could try looking in old street directories: or for company announcements in the London Gazette: I've had a quick look through both without success, but you might have more luck if you search...
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    Today's Metro

    I know how he feels...
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    Well, we have 20 gals bubbling away now (including the 5 with no yeast added) - more to go, but a good start, I think. Happy brewing.:cheers2:
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    feeding ratio

    and remember it won't go clear until it cools - so if it still looks cloudy, but doesn't sound gritty when you mix it with a spoon, let it cool and it'll be fine.
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    My First Hive

    Looks good - I was happy having built a frame feeder, so hats off to you and your father! I'd second MJB's comments re castelated spacers - if you can't turn them over, you could get some metal frame runners to replace them. Two of our hives have a chamfer on the wall to produce a ridge to put...
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    Problems with bee suit

    We bought one of their smocks for our son and had to take the red label off it - after two visits to the hives it was clear that the bees were really going for it. If I got another one (hard to say that there's much else wrong with it other than the label) I'd remove the label as soon as it...
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    Marker Paint for Q

    The pens that several beekeeping supplies places sell are "Uni Posca" water based markers. I have also heard of people using acrylic paints. The theme seems to be fast drying, and water based but water resistant when dry.
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    Apiguard and low stores

    I've just heard third-hand that another keeper in the area is also having the same problem.
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    We do a combination of picking up reasonable wind-falls, shaking & gathering and picking from the tree. Many of the trees are still quite young, so wouldn't take a climber. I'm starting early this year, so it's hard to get many to shake off as yet. A shortage of equipment and time means that...
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    Apiguard and low stores

    If you've not seen it, then I don't feel so bad. We came to the conclusion that we had to feed, since our records had shown declining stores for four weeks and two of the hives had nothing left. I felt that we could feed and deal with the consequences later or not feed and deal with a box of...
  16. B

    Do you use a smoker for quick jobs?

    What kind of feeder are you using? We have a miller feeder and several rapid feeders on the go, and I can fill them without a suit, never mind a smoker. With these feeders, the bees cannot escape through the feeder (even if it is empty, in theory...) Mind you, I'm filling later in the evening...
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    Maybe so - if so, I hope it's a happy Christmas for all!
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    Apiguard and low stores

    MM - I _know_ that you know more about this that I do, but we are relatively close to you (Stansted airport way) and I've been feeding for the last week because stores have been non existant. We had a strong colony that had put honey in a super - but has been taking it out again for two weeks...
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    Ade - our 11 year old won't be in the same room as a wasp, yet watched the inspection of four hives yesterday quite happily (suited up). I wonder whether it's the suit or our own reactions to the insects. Still, it's a joy to watch their fascination with the bees, isn't it?
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    I have an 11, a 10 and a 2. The 11 and 10 take it in turns to put on a suit and come and watch - the other one gets stuck with the 2 year old. if they are protected and sensible then I am comfortable, PROVIDED the bees are likely to be sensible and we're not doing anything too provocative...