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  1. A

    A field of Docks

    I've read that Rheas eat dock so they could be a novel option for you. They lay HUGE eggs too:drool5:
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    Spring Feeding.

    The closest I've seen to the center of town is if you follow the road from Radyr to town (can't remember the name of the area sorry) ;)
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    Spring Feeding.

    Depending on where you are there may well be osr fairly close to you. There's quite a lot around Cardiff and Newport but none at all in the valleys :(
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    Other Hobbies

    Quite a long list for me :D Other than the bees I - Show my Golden Retrievers Walking the dogs (goes without saying really :D) Keep a 750 litre reef tank Breed poison Dart Frogs Collect tropical woodlice Home brew Allotment Photography Fishing Shooting ( airrifle and shotgun) I also used to...
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    I want a properly warm day!!!

    I had a very quick look through my lot about a fortnight ago during a warm spell. Colonies are tiny atm but all queens are laying to some degree so I won't be bothering them again until it warms significantly to our current temps :sunning:
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    You think you have an ANT problem

    :eek: I'm itching just watching that lot
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    Boxes after Sulphur treatment

    Thanks guys :-D The bees have got me on edge this year, they are behaving way differently to previous years lol Thw top boxes are q- so they are big supers atm. I've never had the two super boxes totally empty before though. I stored some boxes wet last year but didn't like the mess they made...
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    Boxes after Sulphur treatment

    I treated all my empty super and brood boxes with sulphur strips this winter. I aired them out well before putting them back on the hives but the bees don't seem to be putting anything in them. My hives have all been Demaree'd and the bees are merrily filling the top box but completely ignoring...
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    Nobody tells you...

    Spot on :D Bees should also come with a stress warning. This is the only hobby I can think of where participants lay awake all night worrying and have a constant feeling of dread about what the little sods are up to :calmdown: It's all worth it to see their cute little faces and waggy bums...
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    Dying queens

    Hmmm, sounds pretty likely they've swarmed then :( Fingers crossed the virgins start laying soon:calmdown:
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    Dying queens

    Thanks guys. If a swarm has gone it would have been very small. Both hives have three brood boxes and two supers in total and are full of bees, no less than before the queen disapeared at least. I've only lost one swarm previously but the difference in the colony was easily recognisable...
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    Dying queens

    A few weeks after performing demarees on my hives the queens are dying. They are last years queens and lay extremely well up until they disappear. The demarees have been successful and the bees have definitely not swarmed. They draw out a few frames of foundation which is totally laid up then...
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    Intensely floral honey

    I love early honey and am hoping to get my first in a few years. Mine comes from hawthorn and dandelion along with a few other wild/garden flowers. Delicious:drool5:
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    What to do with a full super

    If it's capped extract it now. You'll be surprised by the difference between this and the honey produced later in the year ;)
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    new queen, proven layer for 3 weeks, sudden drop off,

    Sounds to me like the virgin queen in box 2 hasn't started laying yet. If you have a frame of eggs in box 1, you could do a test by putting it in box 2 to see if the bees build emergency QCs. I bet they don't though ;) I'd leave box 2 (virgin queen) alone for a few weeks until the queen has...
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    Wot!? No Honey?

    I've only managed one small spring crop in the few years I've had my bees and it was wonderful:drool5: No Rape fields here but the bees work the Dandelion and hawthorn when the weather is good so I'm hoping for some this year, the top boxes of 3 Demaree'd hives are pretty heavy at least :)
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    First suit

    I started out with a jacket with a round hat and, this year after a few years beekeeping, bought a budget suit with a fencing style hood. Since changing I've copped 4 stings to the face :owned: I don't know whether it's because the suit was a cheap one or the style of hood but I much prefer the...
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    What are they up to???

    I had a quick look in the hive before sorting the cluster and there was almost the same number in as there were out. Because of this I put the cluster into a 5 frame nuc (scabby old box but will do for now) with a frame of brood/stores. I haven't seen a queen in the hive but figured I may have...
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    This year is turning into a swarming nightmare!!

    Same here in the Welsh valleys. No Rape fields here but 2 overwintered nucs were combined with struggling colonies about a month ago and left on double brood. Both colonies are rammed with bees and ASing last week:ohthedrama:
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    What are they up to???

    Thanks Enrico. It was a nice day for a stroll I suppose:nature-smiley-011: I'm figuring she'll find her own way back indoors but will the weather's changed today. I'll have a quick check on them later and re-hive if they're still there.