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  1. R

    Extraction disaster. Need help.

    Yes it is a tangential extracter , so you need to place your frames so that the top bar trails as the frame turns. Spin until about half is extracted then replave the frames so that the other side faces out, spin until that side is empty and then turn the frame again and spin until all the honey...
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    Or even ApiGUARD which is what the question was originally about. Ruary
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    What alternatives to oxalic acid?

    Perhaps you mean Sodium Chloride (salt) not Hypochlorite (bleach, viricide, steriliser) Ruary
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    un-handy candy

    Cream of Tartar is not to be recommended see Honey Bee Pathology by Bailey and Ball for more on that. The secret of making soft candy is in the beating as the syrup cools down. The cooling needs to be rapid to prevent the syrup from continuing to cook after removal from heat. Do not boil the...
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    Honey weight

    From notes I made for Apimondia presentation in Dublin Weight in grams Abbreviation is g Minimum size of lettering depending on weight. If the E symbol is used then Average weight of lot must equal or be above specified weight. Minimum weight can be below specified weight. Actual weight must...
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    Cautionary tale re hotel...

    If you made a loss by people who made a booking not turning up, then you are entitled to recover the loss. However you must take reasonable steps to mitigate the loss.
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    ! assume this is Nosema

    Not I, but I attach a summary which I did of the various protocols Ruary
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    ! assume this is Nosema

    Well that is the trouble the information given in books must be right mustn't it????? I suppose they quoted Yates charts of confidence limits for Acarine as well. That is another thing that is just plain wrong as Acarine testing gives a binomial distribution not the 'normal distribution' on...
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    ! assume this is Nosema

    No, never tested queens but apparently one method of so doing (without killing her) is to allow the queen to wander on a glass sheet and when she defecates (clear drop of liquid) to test that. Ruary
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    ! assume this is Nosema

    Just re-read what you said. 5 grains per slide etc.??? Surely you meant per field of view and as I said earlier I think that those criteria are set at far too few for each category. Ruary
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    ! assume this is Nosema

    Well, I don't know if I would agree with the above. Another method which is in the literature involves the use of a calibrated loop so that an accurate amount of liquid is placed on the slide and covered with a coverslip of known dimensions. from that, and the knowlege of the area of each field...
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    ! assume this is Nosema

    Ah yes that sounds like our friend Yates but (t)he(y) did not say how much water was added per bee, and he (they) admit that their classification is purely empirical. Ruary
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    ! assume this is Nosema

    That was the original thimking of Freis but he now says that with experience the two species may be discriminated using light microscopy. If you see a picture with the two side by side it is relatively easy distinguish but when the slide has only one then the difficulty increases. For my...
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    new EU labeling regs

    This is the quote from the BBC web site quoted by Muswell Metro: I have underlined some parts for clarity Quote Besides beef, currently the country of origin has to be marked on packs of fresh fruit and vegetables, fish, olive oil and honey. Unquote From this I do not thnk there is a change in...
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    Looking for Nosema

    The trouble with the cheap Lidl microscopes is that the maximum magnification is got by digital zooming and this does not increase the definition. Ruary
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    oxalic acid

    I think this is a vain hope. Ruary
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    Melting Wax in Lidl Jam Boiler Thingy!

    Click on 'continue without postcode' near the bottom of the web page and the item gets shown. Thermostat starts at 30 centigrade upwards. Ruary
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    Beecraft + BBKA new style newsletter!

    I think you will find that BeeCraft is owned by some of the Associations, not by all of them. Ruary
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    Last year's fumidil B syrup

    That depends on which Nosema you have: N. apis yes. N. ceranae No. Ruary
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    Advice on Using an Electric Extractor.

    Hi Brian, Start slowly and then up to full speed, If the frames are unbalanced in the cage the build up of speed will have to be slow to prevent excessive wobble. If you stand the extractor on castors the unbalance is minimised. Ruary