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  1. gwt_uk

    When do you start Autumn Feeding

    Thanks very much. Should I stop feeding as I am now and then just pile it on nearer the end of the month if needed?
  2. gwt_uk

    When do you start Autumn Feeding

    Hello all, When do people usually start autumn feeding? I started at the beginning of the month feeding 2-3 pints of inverted syrup at 2-4 day intervals. I read from one source that it was prudent to finish feeding by mid Sept but having looked at other sources it seems others wait until much...
  3. gwt_uk

    Enough Stored for Winter

  4. gwt_uk

    Enough Stored for Winter

    Hello all, I have a hive with a swarm from earlier in the year. They have little in the way of stores in the BB but have 8 full frames of honey in a super above the BB. I was thinking of leaving this on over the winter - obviously removing the QE. Will this be enough to get them through? I can...
  5. gwt_uk


    Just saw a video of orientation flights on the and it looked very similar to why I was seeing today. Thanks
  6. gwt_uk


    Hello all, There was a lot of was a huge amount of activity outside two of my hives this afternoon. I didn’t see any fighting but the bees were queueing up to get in and there were a lot of bees around the outside of the entrance. There was the odd bee around the roof but it didn’t look like...
  7. gwt_uk

    New Colonies Filling Supers

    Perfect thanks.
  8. gwt_uk

    New Colonies Filling Supers

    Hello all, I took delivery of 4 nucs in July and transferred them into full hives. They drew out all the frames of foundation in the BB and quickly filled them with storeand brood. I put on a QE and a super just in case they needed more space. Last week I noticed that they were starting to...
  9. gwt_uk

    Wasps under hive

    thanks will have a closer look.
  10. gwt_uk

    Wasps under hive

    thanks. It looked like the wasps were were rummaging around fallen wax, pollen etc that had come through the OMF. I am just wondering if the wet super I put back has attracted them.
  11. gwt_uk

    Wasps under hive

    thank you. Will keep this in mind
  12. gwt_uk

    Wasps under hive

    sorry meant reducer!
  13. gwt_uk

    Wasps under hive

  14. gwt_uk

    Wasps under hive

    Hello all, I put a wet super back on a hive on Sunday for the bees to clean up. Yesterday I noticed around a dozen wasps under the hive (the hive is on a pallet) eating whatever was falling through the OMF. The wasps were not attempting to get into the colony via the entrance and there...
  15. gwt_uk

    Early Evening Inspections

    Hello all, I am due to do my weekly inspections on 4 colonies but work M-F and am away this weekend. Therefore, I thought I would check the colonies Friday evening when I get back from work which will be around 6.30pm. It is due to be 20+ degrees and sunny here at that time. Not ideal I know...
  16. gwt_uk

    New Queen & Possible Supercedure Cell

    Thanks. I will remove the charged cell. Should I keep to 7 day inspections on this colony or have a check on them in 3-4 days?
  17. gwt_uk

    New Queen & Possible Supercedure Cell

    Hello all, I recently purchased and introduced a new mated queen into a queenless colony. On checking today the new queen is laying well. However I spotted a small queen cup with larvae and jelly in it in the centre of a frame - Possible supercedure? Shall I leave them to it? Keen to know...
  18. gwt_uk

    Too early for swarm traps?

    Well done!
  19. gwt_uk

    Too early for swarm traps?

    good activity there! I say leave it be and see what happens. The bees visiting my bait hive have also been collecting round the entrance at times. They don’t seem to have trouble getting in and out though
  20. gwt_uk

    Electric or manual honey extractor?

    Hello all, I am thinking of buying an electric extractor. Looking for opinions and pros and cons of electric vs manual. Also can anyone recommend any good value electric ones. Cheers