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  1. Easy Beesy


    In the meantime, Dig out your training certificates. Show them your credentials, your risk assessments and if you can get other neighbours to write some references to say you have managed them responsibly, show your Beebase record to show you have no disease, regular inspections etc. be...
  2. Easy Beesy

    Varroa or Beekeeper

    manipulations or lack of by the beekeeper - most definitely. Original varroa host copes with them just fine - most problems caused by or exacerbated by man/beekeeper
  3. Easy Beesy

    Time to switch to 1:1

    What is your mean temp for the last week/2weeks? Is it rising? Helps to have some information to make good decisions.
  4. Easy Beesy

    taking in pollen .....

    Crazy opening the hive in these temps - and what would you have done if you saw/suspected nosema anyway?
  5. Easy Beesy

    New to Bee Keeping

    Hi Jeff Can I ask why your group went with framed hive rather than top bar? Did you consider it and reject or not even consider? Reason I ask is that tbh is often seen as a more affordable/ecofriendly/natural/ other reason option for community groups. (Whether or not its suitable is another...
  6. Easy Beesy

    Hello from Birmingham

    Hope you keep posting your ups and downs, both of having 3 mentors and of your adventures in trying a new hobby you know little of so far. Out of interest, what kind of setup are all your mentors running - it's be good if they were all running different types so you (and we) could compare...
  7. Easy Beesy

    Hi from Simon, Oxford Canal, Banbury!

    Don't be too sure about that - I've found that a lot of the public look horrified when told there is a box of 1000's of stinging insects within flying distance. Most often is the refrain 'but I have children!' Or 'I'm allergic to bees'. Pick your target audience carefully.
  8. Easy Beesy

    First time fondant

    Rob55 Getting a Nuc thru winter is no mean feat - is the Nuc a 14x12 too? Gives space for a goodly sum of bees and better overwintering than a National Nuc IMO. Sounds like you're doing fine.
  9. Easy Beesy

    Overfed bees, should I remove surplus stores?

    Too early for full inspection - peeking only! If you know they're going to swarm just be prepared for it. You should pick it up during your inspections anyway and work with it not against it. Leave them alone and leave the super on, who knows, with our weather, they may need it in March/April.
  10. Easy Beesy

    Planting for Bees

    Poached egg plant - self seeds and carpets an area
  11. Easy Beesy


    I seem to remember someone telling me its propolis that makes the cappings different.....
  12. Easy Beesy

    Over wintered Nuc.... how much ?

    As a well known advert says - Priceless!
  13. Easy Beesy

    hello from grimsby

    Madness is contagious? We're doomed!
  14. Easy Beesy

    my new TBH

    Little TONY won't be flying about anywhere if its a he. Drones are few and far between and wouldn't be any use in choosing a new home anyway. Time to hit the books I think!
  15. Easy Beesy

    Motivation for Module 2

    Hi mb Thanks for helping me understand. What plant/s gives coarse grained honey please? All the honey I've had has either naturally granulated into smooth spreadable honey, or its been runny honey. I have to try to explain this to a module 2 study group!
  16. Easy Beesy

    Motivation for Module 2

    Hi susbees Helpful (and known) but still doesn't answer the difference between soft set and seeded? Is soft set, naturally granulated, that hasn't set rock hard?
  17. Easy Beesy

    Motivation for Module 2

    As we're in about 2, what the difference between naturally granulated, soft set and seeded?