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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Easy Beesy

    queen cells - swarms

    All sounds pretty normal to me.
  2. Easy Beesy

    queen cells - swarms

    Not a stupid question - I've never heard the expression "false cells" and would have been confused too.
  3. Easy Beesy

    Nuc wanted for 2013 season (NE England)

    Good for you, not moving bees with you and looking for a local colony instead. Hope you get one soon or you might get withdrawal symptoms.
  4. Easy Beesy

    Jaxx from Derby

    It's an 80 mile round trip for me but its definitely worth it.
  5. Easy Beesy

    BKA training for assessments?

    Ours as susbees and tim. Weekly study followed by practical and mock.
  6. Easy Beesy

    Bee heads?

    Shrew does the same
  7. Easy Beesy


    To work the beehaus you need to be strong in the arms and back and at least 5'5 tall. The frames with brood & stores are heavy to manipulate. The top of the brood box is at my waist and I'm 5'5. I find it difficult because you can't get the right angle to lift frames so you're always twisting...
  8. Easy Beesy

    Essential Apiary Equipment?

    And I thought it was a sundial..
  9. Easy Beesy

    Expiry date for winter bees

    Beeno Having read the article and all the opinions, can you now answer the question you posed in first post? Or do you now agree that "approx 6 months" was correct?
  10. Easy Beesy

    Because of the long winter

  11. Easy Beesy

    Caption competition

    This one gets my vote! ROFLMAO
  12. Easy Beesy

    Should I remove drone brace comb in eke?

    I loved MMs calculations - I'm going to use it in my next QR talk - "this is according to the book - but they're women so they change their mind and just expect you to know!" Boom boom I can just hear the laughter now.....
  13. Easy Beesy

    Feed your bees

    It was September last year before my bees were "well into their first super" in my area! Gotta love your optimism. BTW do you remember that your profile says no colonies owned?
  14. Easy Beesy

    Radio 4, 11.00 am today

    Adam Great to have you here. Looking forward to next broadcast. Do you have footage of nuking? Be interesting to see it properly. We just have to face it - there are differences when it's big business. Just as there are with any animal that goes from pet/hobby status to a money making...
  15. Easy Beesy

    creatting wild bee hive

    Much better to make sure you plant bee friendly seeds and grow organically as much as possible. Remember to not use any sort of pesticides. That will encourage them and all other pollinators.
  16. Easy Beesy

    how many mistakes can you find

    Tamper evident not legal requirement in either case.
  17. Easy Beesy

    Home made beeswax products

    Some good workshops at Harper Adams for her them!