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  1. Easy Beesy

    natural poisoning

    Remember something about a Scottish island where the bees had to feed on R ponticum and died due to this. I'll see if I can dredge up some more. Honeys don't usually collect from them if there is anything else around. More often see bumbles on rhods.
  2. Easy Beesy

    Moving hives: hypothetical quesiton

    Errr, Inverness isn't really the far North - there's a long way between it and the North of the country. And it doesn't take two days driving either. But I agree, leave the softies at home!
  3. Easy Beesy

    Motivation for Module 2

    Presumably, as honey is a foodstuff, it's important to learn the regulations and legislation before selling any. Also you will be expected to know a lot of it for General Husbandry, if you decide to do it.
  4. Easy Beesy

    Aberdeen Beekeeper.. not quite the north pole but close enough brrr

    Hi G40 Just along the road from you, wouldn't mind a visit to see a glen in action. Let me know if you're doing any demos this season. Eb
  5. Easy Beesy

    turning BB to 'cold' way - when?

    Both can't possibly see into cells to check larvae for disease this way, can they? Do they measure them to see if they're the same height and therefore compatible frame checking partners?
  6. Easy Beesy


  7. Easy Beesy


    Hi Russ Is this part of the bbkas 'course in a case' thing?
  8. Easy Beesy

    Granulated Honey

    Comments: No equipment? - A pan with hot water and a jar in it? Rise in water content? - 17% plus 4% is still only 21% Selling? - Sell as naturally granulated?
  9. Easy Beesy

    Drones in January ?????

    Hi Hh66 Not much can be done at this time of year for either the dead or living hive, I'm afraid. Any advice from inspector at branch meeting?
  10. Easy Beesy

    Granulated Honey

    Why would you have to 'rebottle'? Just warm the jar gently and it should liquefy. Then you can use it as normal.
  11. Easy Beesy

    Drones in January ?????

    If I remember the bees were not purchased until late October and it was November before I was asked to visit. Not much I could do at that time of year - bees were flying and we looked under crown board. There were 4-5 seams of bees to be seen. No further inspection done. OP advised to feed as...
  12. Easy Beesy

    How do you apply oxalic acid?

    Get someone more experienced to do it for you the first time. Observe closely and you can do it yourself next time
  13. Easy Beesy

    Non Honey products

    Nah - costs too much to get certified. Checkout Convention workshops for details.
  14. Easy Beesy

    Which is the best beekeeping book?

    I know you mentioned improving your English, but actually it's pretty damned good already!
  15. Easy Beesy

    Which is the best beekeeping book?

    I suppose we should mention the BBKA book - but I don't know the name of it - anybody help me out with details?
  16. Easy Beesy

    You Tube Road Gritters Video

    True Grit(ter)
  17. Easy Beesy

    Which is the best beekeeping book?

    Always recommended is A Guide to Bees and Honey by Hooper. I also like Beekeeping Encyclopaedia by Hooper & Morse (a bit dated but easy to read and use)
  18. Easy Beesy

    London - Nucs wanted for early 2013

    You might need reassurances before you sell but I'm sure someone will jump at the chance
  19. Easy Beesy

    How does your BKA communicate with you

    What do you think of your local newsletter? Any suggestions/improvements you would like to make?
  20. Easy Beesy

    Module 6

    Laura Ahh, there's lots of training to be done til then... Newbees, basic candidates, workshops etc - don't put your feet up yet - your Education Officer needs you!