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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. BeeJayBee

    Hello from Poole

    Welcome, and good luck at the weekend. Let us know how you get on :)
  2. BeeJayBee

    Cleaning honey extractor

    I know the condition of my bees. Honey should never be extracted from diseased colonies. There are, according to Beebase, over 50 registered apiaries within bee-flight of my main apiary, more than 60 within reach of the other one. I do not wish to attract any of these bees into my apiary by...
  3. BeeJayBee

    Giving wax back to bees

    They tend not to re-use in the way you (we) think they might. If you put cappings in a feeder above the hive and leave it there for more than a couple of day they're likely to fill the container with wild comb rather than chew at the bits of wax and resuse it in the hive. It's probably because...
  4. BeeJayBee

    European hornets

    We've seen more European Hornets since we've had bees, so there's obviously an attraction. If I found a nest in the garden we'd probably leave it alone, unless it was in the wrong place, and I'd take loads of photos!
  5. BeeJayBee

    A new study

    Agreed - it could do with pruning from about #92 onwards because there's nothing new, just the same old, same old ...
  6. BeeJayBee

    Swarm arriving at bait hive

    Mine came from Garden Essentials, when they were on offer a couple of years ago
  7. BeeJayBee

    Non returning Queen again!

    How do you know what's inside a sealed queen cell?
  8. BeeJayBee

    Bees and Money

    That's good news, and not too long to wait.
  9. BeeJayBee

    Is this a sign of things to come ...

    And whoever ran the course will have walked away with the money, and left the volunteers in the local association to pick up the pieces. I think that there should be proper regulation of beekeeping courses as well as some of the fly-by-night sellers of bees. But who's to make the rules, and who...
  10. BeeJayBee

    A new study

    :iagree: Counting kept colonies is, surely, flawed in the same way as saying there are plenty of cows because there are a lot of dairy farmers. I do wonder what the outcome would be if, for example, all beekeepers in an area suddenly decided to give up beekeeping and sold all their colonies to...
  11. BeeJayBee

    Swarm arriving at bait hive

    Brilliant Tom, thanks for that. It looks a very good sized swarm I think you might find the greenhouse has a little too much ventilation for tomatoes :)
  12. BeeJayBee

    Dusty's bees.

    He is still watching you! Just get some of his incense and pop it into the smoker and they won't even know he isn't there in the flesh! Enjoy :)
  13. BeeJayBee

    A new study

    It's worth a try, but he'll probably expect to have the last word! Any idea why the Romans (Varro) would have thought thyme was important for bees, other than as a crop? For this reason some bruise thyme in a mortar and soak it in lukewarm water, and with this sprinkle all the plots planted for...
  14. BeeJayBee

    I'm happy!

    Don't worry about anything other than making sure the hive is strapped up, the frames are running from front to back of the car, the brood box's entrance is securely closed and you've got your bee suit on - veil down. You could stand the hive on some bearers in the car, so air can move up...
  15. BeeJayBee

    Bee's in Chimney

    What you're describing is often referred to as a 'trap out'. The foraging bees are able to leave but are prevented from returning to the parent colony, which eventually dwindles and/or starves to death. I don't think it's a nice way of dealing with any sort of livestock that's ended up in the...
  16. BeeJayBee

    Difficult swarm

    If you can't move them and they really are bad, then ask your local association for some help.
  17. BeeJayBee

    Worried about a colony

    What did RBI or SBI say? Seriously, if you think you've got either of the foulbroods in one colony the last thing you should do is swap its location with another colony.
  18. BeeJayBee

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    It does happen that way sometimes. Why would bees do as they're told? The ones in charge are female! :D
  19. BeeJayBee

    Which poly hive?

    :iagree: His research paper is linked somewhere on the site, I think it gives the properties of the various hives he tested. edit This thread