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  1. BeeJayBee

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Soak it overnight in a bucket of washing soda solution.
  2. BeeJayBee

    Bee Jokes

    drones don't waggle?
  3. BeeJayBee

    Learning Fast.

    Welcome to the forum, and good luck with your beekeeping. :)
  4. BeeJayBee

    Nutty Beekeeping?

    If you're even vaguely good at woodwork you should be able to make one. Clad it with Kingspan or similar and you'll have a nice warm hive. Better still, and if you're much better at woodwork, copy pargyl's idea and make a well insulated long deep hive that's suitable for frames. Chances are...
  5. BeeJayBee

    How black is a black bee?

    I'd guess the picture at the top of this site should be about right?
  6. BeeJayBee


    I got caught like this a few months ago. Item cancelled by the seller as soon as the payment had gone through. It took Paypal longer than 3 days to refund - said so in their email although I can't, at the moment, recall exactly how long it took.
  7. BeeJayBee

    Angry Bees

    theeggman changed from black gloves and had a good result so it's worth a try. Let us know how you get on. . :)
  8. BeeJayBee

    Chalk brood. Should I worry?

    There is more to it than just wet weather. :) It's mostly the location of the apiary, or even individual hives within an apiary, and what happens to the rain that falls on or near the apiary. The worst chalkbrood I've seen was in a brood and a half National colony on heavy clay soil about ten...
  9. BeeJayBee

    Asian Hornet Alderney confirmed

    I understood that the queens tend to build a starter nest and, once there is a big enough supply of workers and they find a reliable food source (i.e. bees), there is a new and bigger nest built near the food. This larger nest cannot be moved again so, as long as there isn't a nest in the new...
  10. BeeJayBee

    maisemore poly

    The only people I've known to break frames using a j tool have been newer beekeepers who hadn't been shown how to use it properly. Some of them were still using the frames their bees arrived on, others - I don't know, I didn't ask. The better ones, yes, but some of the hooks aren't thick/wide...
  11. BeeJayBee

    Angry Bees

    Maybe there's something about your gloves that they don't like. If they're clean and free from pheromones from the last attack then it could be the colour or the texture. Maybe try different gloves and see what happens?
  12. BeeJayBee

    maisemore poly

    That's the right way to use a j tool - push the frames apart by twisting the flat end between them and then, if necessary or easier, lift the end of the loosened frame with the j until you can hold it with your fingers. If you try to pull a heavily propolised frame out using just the j, without...
  13. BeeJayBee

    Asian Hornet Alderney confirmed

    I understand they're a bit proactive too, and wait for the secondary nests to be built near an apiary, then move the colonies so they're out of reach. Do you do that?
  14. BeeJayBee

    Chalk brood. Should I worry?

    Chalkbrood can, and will, develop in large colonies in a damp location. Small colonies will not always show signs of chalkbrood.
  15. BeeJayBee

    Asian Hornet Alderney confirmed

    I don't know about the second half, but it says this about the trap so it might have been the same place, "This video shows a home-made Asian Hornet trap in a magnolia bush in an apiary in Andernos-les-Bains, South West France. "
  16. BeeJayBee

    First Sting...

    That's a handy reminder, and having the phone in the inside pocket isn't a good idea if you need to get at it in a hurry! :rolleyes:
  17. BeeJayBee

    heather watch

    Do you have to apply for heather permits, same as in Hampshire?
  18. BeeJayBee

    Asian Hornet Alderney confirmed

    The second half of this APHA NBU video shows the bees clustering at the entrance, as if they don't want to leave the safety of the hive whilst the hornets are around.
  19. BeeJayBee

    Monofloral honey, a dummy question

    A domestic dehumidifier might work?
  20. BeeJayBee

    Chalk brood. Should I worry?

    Chalkbrood isn't caused by small colonies, it's a fungal infection exacerbated by cold and damp. Some colonies are more susceptible to it than others and it can often be resolved by requeening.