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  1. Cussword

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    :iagree: You can keep it in place with duct tape, stops it slipping off when inspecting. Or, make a clear crown board so you can see what's going on before you lift it. .
  2. Cussword

    Winter bees

    Now THAT one I didn't understand.
  3. Cussword

    Winter bees

    Just covering my back Finnie. I hope I didn't offend you. :D
  4. Cussword

    MAQS- 21 day treatment

    It's all I use :icon_204-2::icon_204-2:
  5. Cussword

    Winter bees

    Frames of pollen in the freezer? Did you store them in mid-Summer when they filled the hive up with it? I'll try that next year, thanks Erica. .
  6. Cussword

    Bees in P**ynes Poly Nuc feeder

    Not if you move them into a poly hive. :D. I mean no offence with this post. .
  7. Cussword

    Winter bees

    My sentiments entirely. If people ignored what they don't like, there would be no moaning or need to delete posts. I mean no offence by this post. .
  8. Cussword

    Winter bees

    Two of mine were, but they were not meant to be offensive. I didn't understand Finman's point about different strains of bees, maybe I shouldn't have said so. I mean no offence by this post. .
  9. Cussword

    Winter bees

    So, at the end of all this, do winter bees (no matter what strain) become winter bees after emerging, or because as some say, they were feed "special" food as larvae. I mean no offence by this post. .
  10. Cussword

    smoked kippers now smoked bees

    I don't think he had QE's on, so the queen could have been anywhere.
  11. Cussword

    Darlington type entrance reduction

    Are the hives with the underfloor entrances having wasp problems? I was told (I'm prepared to be shot down in flames) that wasps don't like to climb into a hive. Also those entrances are easier to defend. .
  12. Cussword

    smoked kippers now smoked bees

    I didn't understand why he broke the seal on the bottom of the box he was to examine. Plus the way he just cracked the frames apart. It seemed that he'd picked up what little he knew from watching rather than doing. I mean him no offence but he needs to be taught how to look after bees. .
  13. Cussword

    1:1 or 2:1 Syrup

    Just a thought, but if you find that you need access to the hive at any time you'll have to disturb the nuc. :)
  14. Cussword

    End of first season

  15. Cussword

    My bees won't clear out of the super

    I have to say I did the same with the 15lbs of honey I collected.
  16. Cussword

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    To use the vernacular,, I so hate you guys...... :)
  17. Cussword

    Getting bees to take thymolated feed

    Doesn't that upset the bees? I'll get my coat. :leaving:
  18. Cussword

    Recticel Hive

    Just found this. Neat job CVB, will you let us know how it over Winters?
  19. Cussword

    Getting bees to take thymolated feed

    Normally 1:1 in Spring 2:1 in Autumn. It's thicker in Autumn so that it's easier for the bees to get rid of the water.
  20. Cussword

    Best way to put the entrance block in.

    The advantage of an underfloor entrance. I can't see the sense in not having one. :banghead: Just my opinion :sifone: